The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

@anon46587892 Can you make this a group? I forget the file size limits but gif size is 2.62 mg. Group title TBD, chime in folks (this is Rebecca Traister chugging wine live on All In with Chris Hayes).


Most likely pre-packing the court would have some electoral consequences.

They would need to pre-pack the court and rewrite the statute or something, allowing their new court to rule that no more members can be added. It wouldnā€™t matter if it makes legal sense.

I wouldnā€™t tempt them.

Yeah thatā€™s where I should be posting

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Whatā€™s really going to happen is that Trump wonā€™t be happy with some of the decisions the 6-3 court makes and heā€™ll be the one adding judges.


nah, fuck you.


They could do it in the lame duck.

I shudder to think what they have planned for the lame duck if they lose the presidency and senate.

Pre-packing the court has to also go along with getting rid of 2 senators per state and the electoral college or you are fucked anyways.

Those Michelle Bachman eyes.

Gen-X may never hold the presidency - but weā€™re running hot on SCOTUS justices.

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I donā€™t know how to break this to you but corporate Democrats are really republicans in disguise - they will be just fine with 6-3 conservative court advantage. You want it to be one way, but it is the other way.


Iā€™m taking solace in this Barbara Lagao lady being floated out there strongly. Donā€™t know anything about her other than a) she got confirmed to an appeals court with 80 votes so assume she is not batshit crazy and b) as a Latina (Cuban) woman she would be a great pick electorally so maybe it happens???

Just stop. I promise you whoever he nominates will have sworn a pledge of loyalty to him.

This is why Barrett makes sense. She can justify whatever principles she forgoes with pro lifery.

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Maybe not all Rs are pure evil and they want to put up their own Merrick Garland, sail through the confirmation process and take the temperature down from 11 to 8ā€¦ could it be???



Trump picks. The person will have sworn a pledge of loyalty, 100%.

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Iā€™m pretty sure Grassley is talking about necrophilia.


Itā€™s so ironic to me (a lapsed Catholic). There isnā€™t a single thing that will damage organized religion as much as another term of Trump. This being said by someone who knows decent people of faith.

And the kicker being that the current Pope actually seems to rep the teachings of Jesus.

Seriously doubt the worth of anyoneā€™s pledge who would pledge loyalty to Trump. They will all cut each otherā€™s throats when it looks opportune.

I think heā€™s saying abortion is murder