The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

One thing is beyond any dispute: heartland liberals are very, very bad at the sign game.

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Shall I hoard my glorious new avatar for myself, or ask snoreo to make an appropriate badge/group so every one can join?


Murkowski has not said this since RBG died. Until she does, it isn’t real.

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But someone made this graphic!


Get Romney and then a firm 4th and I’ll raise my hopes from 0.05% that it doesn’t get done to 10%.

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Yeah that might have been shitty NPR heading on the Facebook post. I saw the article link didn’t talk about Murkowski at all lmao.

Thread title made me think of this.

I’d be Fuck Fuckno.


I like your name better. I’m Fucky Fuckery

That’s damn good

Fuck Fuckno’s got a nice porn name ring to it.

Even if Collins, Romney, and Murkowski were to unequivocally state that they will vote “no” on any candidate brought up by McConnell up to and including Jesus Christ himself–Dinesh d’Souza–we are far more likely to lose them than pick up anyone else. I promise if we pick up anyone else that Susan Collins will have a change of heart. We know this because she is Susan Collins. And because she’s a Republican.

I would try not to waste psychic energy on this. They are getting their justice, it’s just a matter of timing. And that is whatever they think is most politically beneficial. They could be wrong on this choice, but they will get their justice.

So then it’s on to the election. Maybe Biden can win. Maybe not. I think there are likely some true absurdities that even this corrupted SC wouldn’t allow, but that’s just me being naive. Trump is likely to just outright cheat the election. That’s what happens in managed democracies. There is no real election.

And even if somehow Biden wins and the Dems take the Senate with a narrow margin, they are beholden to their donors. They’re not getting rid of the filibuster. They’re not packing the court.

It’s fight or flight now, I think. Flight is the less courageous, more privileged option at this point, but from a survival standpoint the smart one.

The fight option starts with joining a mutual aid society and getting food to people and maybe some day getting food yourself. Because really, it’s time to start preparing for what already is and has been.


Who is making the IDGAF drunk/high containment thread for not living in reality. Shit has gotten pretty brutal.

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Would it be possible to get something similar to the Florida Man feature so every time I see the words Susan Collins I see Fuckn Fuckins? Maybe this is the wrong thread for that.

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I’ve already moved on to being totally fine with them getting this justice because it seems to have finally clicked with elected democrats that they have to end the filibuster and pack the court if given the opportunity.


I envy your optimism tbh.

Odds of either happening is sub 10%.

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Bernie Sanders was dragged out into the street and curb stumped by the democrat primary voters. If you are really into the “socialism” thing then there are these magical things called airplanes -get on one and go somewhere else IMHO.

Let’s say the Dems announced they were going to pack the court like some on here want. Is there anything stopping the Rs from pre-packing the court?

Also for those who wanted RBG to retire under Obama - maybe she had that plan but we know Rs would have blocked any new nominations the last two years or so. Seems like her best shot was to retire under Hillary.

suzzer → fucker as well. You were made for this game.

Fuckobet isn’t bad

I am fairly certain the expansion of the court requires legislation first.

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