The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

You don’t want to get me started on what’s wrong with me.


This. He’s already publicly accused Obama of treason.

Fuck his base, once the last bit of hope is squeezed out of me, I personally would like to see show trials of the Clintons. Chuck and Nancy too.


He brings up how Obama committed treason all the damn time.

I mutter “don’t you condescend me man. I’ll fuckin kill you man” under my breadth at least twice a week. Helps lower my blood pressure.

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All this guy does is make reality tv and entertainment, even as president. It’s all he does. What better than a trial of a former president?

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Going after President Obama would guarantee all out civil war. 100%.

Who’s going to do what, exactly?

Yeah I agree with you that it’s easier to pick on the weak. I don’t think Obama would be his first target. But hey I’m admittedly on tilt so I’m spewing chips atm.

Did you see what happened after Floyd was murdered? Imagine that times a shitload.

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I can tell you firsthand that the poker table is the last place anyone should have been last night.


If Barr wouldn’t be resisting Trump’s orders, Obama would have already been indicted. He has already stated as much when saying Barr could be average or be a part of history or whatever the fuck he said. Christ guys.

Obama would be a little high risk for a wannabe be fascist, IMO.

Clintons are ripe for the picking though, no one but beltway/norms types gives a fuck if they go down and message is almost as strong as getting Obama.

He hired a fucking Obama look alike to “fire”.

You act like Trump considers these things and not just his reactionary impulses.

Nice cherry picking of when we are gonna believe 2 of the biggest compulsively dishonest shitbags in the history of history.

ok then.

Murkowski says she wants to wait.

After getting high and drunk all day I can confirm this still sucks horribly.


Rained in Seattle the last few nights and air quality is back to normal. Shrooms ought to be popping up in a few days…