The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not the least bit optimistic, but at the same time, we all thought Obamacare was dead for certain right up until STONE COLD John McCain.

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You mean this one?


grunching a bit, but any news from BLM activist Mitt Romney?


That 4th can be a Senator dying or becoming incapacitated, which seems more likely than an outright no vote. Which Republicans are in ill health? Can anyone be blackmailed into voting no or finding an excuse to stay home?

The senators saying wait til after the election are actually helping Trump’s chances of winning because, if the seat has already been filled before Election Day, there’s no reason for deplorables to turn out on Election Day to fill a scotus seat. Waaf either way imo.

(snorts long, fat line of powdered West Wing Brain) HOOOOYAH

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I have some pretty smart friends spreading to “Take out Mitch” by donating and seeing other tweets that that person won’t win no matter what so send money elsewhere. I hate starting arguments with these people on the same side during these times. Sucks.

I’m old enough to remember when a politician being labeled a “flip-flopper” was enough to cost him an election.


Gardner is almost dead man walking status. If he still holds out some hope of re-election he’s not doing this before election.

Agreed. I’m not even sure what the point is of openly talking strategy of court packing.

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I agree, but he’s not particularly moderate and it depends how delusional he is about his chances. Now would be a good time for Dems to leak some polls that show him very close.

It’s important to remember that if they don’t move before the election and Biden wins and/or Dems take the Senate, the outrage when they go will be that much greater.

Like this is all the marbles, we’re down 3 games to 1 in a best of seven. Everyone’s available in the bullpen every night, don’t save anybody for the next game.

Game 5: Hold them off til the election
Game 6: Win the election
Game 7: Hold them off til the new Congress and/or inauguration


What the fuck?

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I have no earthly idea. Maybe he’s having a stroke and republicans don’t have the votes?

That is obviously code for some child trafficking scheme.


Same thing as talking about Cindy Crawford when you were 15. Never gonna happen but fun to imagine.


I meant Schumer etc… Its like Cliff (Brad Pitts character) in True Romance talking shit to himself after the mobsters leave.


Right but as we turn into Russia some of the elite are going to get got just for show the way Putin does it.

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He’ll have to keep his base happy. He’s not giving them good healthcare but he can throw Hillary in jail then do a big show trial of Obama.

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