The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Gay marriage probably isn’t going away. The religious right to discriminate is going to get expanded


You were the guy writing in 1932 about how there would never be concentration camps.

Lol Collins, I absolutely hate that woman

Hint: she didn’t say she’s voting no


OK, let’s say Murk, Romney and Collins are solid. Yeah, I know, but let’s just run with it for a second.

We still need a 4th. I don’t see that happening.

Being trans pretty much sucks everywhere.

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We lost Graham.

Gardner, Alexander, Ernst, Tillis are our best bets.

I think Ernst is already on record saying she’s looking forward to voting for the new justice or something like that

Ernst and Tillis have both come out that they support a vote. Gardner doesn’t want a vote before the elections but he sure as shit doesn’t care after. It’s Alexander, Grassley or bust. Or maybe beyond that you look at the senators in blue states up for re-election in 2022 I guess. That’s Pat Toomey and Ron Johnson.

Ron Johnson ain’t ever happening.

Right, I’m less worried about after because hopefully we take the Senate and pack the court if they do it. Once we’ve won we can openly threaten it.

So it’s Gardner or Alexander that we need to survive til after the election.

I’m going with Yglesias. That’s my prediction for at least the next 10 years, until all the Democrats whose default stance is a defensive crouch die out

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I suppose that GOP really has until 11/30 if Kelly wins.

Once he replaces McSally, the 3 is enough.

Yeah this is going to happen incredibly quickly.

only the most important state this year, no pressure

if collins is coming out with that statement already they got the votes right?

I assume the count is 52-47, manchin holds the line with the “well those fuckers said wait till the election last time”, murk “present”, collins desperately hoping the vote is after the election but would vote yes if they made her.

Once I’m moved into the new place not a day will go by that I don’t spend some time doing something to help us win. I’ve recruited three people to volunteer who never have before, and one to donate who never had before.

I’m signed up to train for text banking on 9/28, have made 6-7 phone calls to confirm my voter registration switched to the new county and in person, and I will be in line to vote an hour before my polling place opens.


the ghouls on twitter are now using RBG’s words from 2016 on filling a supreme court opening.

Fuck them all.

It has to be stack the court, end the filibuster, statehood for DC and Puerto Rico, then major campaign finance reform.


Don’t get your hopes up on eDems and campaign finance reform.


They have always had the votes. It was only ever in doubt among the most delusional dreamers like jman. It’s 6:3 court the only question left is how fast.