The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

It started with undocumented people from Latin America. It will continue with them. Some examples will be made of a small percentage of a small percentage of people and @LFS and I both have kids to worry about on that front. But the millions at risk are people who will be turned into braceros and/or locked up and/or kidnapped and sent away from their homes.


Ok. She is 68 and in danger of losing the election either way. I donā€™t think it can be that hard to convince her to take one for the team and the boosters will make sure that she doesnā€™t regret it.

This is the most Susan Collins statement to ever have Susan Collinsed


Collins makes that statement knowing she wonā€™t be a deciding vote. Canā€™t see a 4th stopping this beyond Murk, RMoney, and Collins.

Our bet is going to be a wash because it (lol) requires Biden to be the next president.

Fuck you

(Not you, champ)

About 24% do think it should be illegal.

Well thatā€™s 1

So best case scenario, we currently appear to maybe have Collins, Murkowski, and Romney. We need 1 more.

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We have 1, Collins. She is now the only one who has publicly released a statement saying that the decision should be made by whoever is elected.

You got ponied by her actual statement. I hate Susan Collins. But I donā€™t believe she tweets that and then reverses course. It does not match her MO.

If she loses itā€™s even more of a lock. The final fuck you to the constituents that didnā€™t vote her back in.


Right she usually equivocates a ton then fucks us at the last minute after getting tons of attention.

I mean Murkowski said it on fucking Friday. I get that it was hours before Ginsburg died, but I think she sticks with it as well. Again, my prior is she voted against Kavanaugh. Sheā€™s from Alaska, there was no political expedience to that vote for her. She did it because she thought it was the right thing to do.

That statement didnā€™t equivocate though. It was pretty clear.

I hope youā€™re right, but I wonā€™t believe it until she says it publicly again post-RBGā€™s death.

hmm i read collinsā€™ statement as, ā€œiā€™ll vote anyone out of committee and decide what to do on the floor but i donā€™t prefer itā€


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying, Iā€™m agreeing with you. She left herself one little out: she says they shouldnā€™t vote on it, not that if they donā€™t sheā€™ll vote nay.

Fair I guess. Sheā€™s not going to be the deciding vote either way. If there is a fourth beyond her, Murkowski, and Romney, then sheā€™s voting no. So obsessing about what sheā€™s going to do is irrelevant I suppose.

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