The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

As a non american (who has now lived in the US for over a decade) I’ve always observed how Americans revere the us constitution as a holy book with the founders as prophets. Also from my pov even US democrats suffer from their own version of delusion of manifest destiny.

Right wing populists have been gaining/getting closer to power is pretty much every democracy across the world since the dawn of this century. Trump is merely the face of this decades long process in the US that started with Reagan. If not him the similar dynamics would have arisen with some other face at the helm.

Maybe this is a time to introspect whether a president Biden with a R senate actually ends up changing the course of what is happening or only a 2/4 year “stay of execution”. And that’s why we will eventually need to think beyond electoral solutions to fundamentally affect structural change.

That said I quote the founding fathers here:
"Prudence, indeed, will
dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath
shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which
they are accustomed. "

TLDR: it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better(some of us may not live to see it). Also WAAF!


Now you guys are becoming hysterical.

I know that “drawing live” tends to be used rather loosely but for this to ever become reality you need scenarios that are …uhm… let’s call them unlikely. You’d have much bigger problems if this was ever going to happen.

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There were, apparently, actual people who thought Lady G would stop this?

How is this possible?

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This thread sums up what I was trying to say yesterday. There is still value in harping on the hypocrisy imo.


I’m seeing Romney and Murkowski both saying they won’t vote.

It’s down to Collins/Alexander. Good luck with that.

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The new fascism will probably hit some of us somewhat close to home but, the Republicans are hardly uniformly regressive on these social issues. They are not hiding which people are going to be put into camps. They are putting them in camps already.


Collins is never voting for it BEFORE the election. She still wants to be re-elected in Maine. Biden is winning Maine by like 15 points. I think if Collins is re-elected she’s a lock to vote to confirm after the election. If she loses, I’m not positive.

Where? If it isn’t very solidly sourced or direct from them it didn’t happen.

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Really depressed about this. So I’ve tried pretending that this is the first great strategic play from the Dems, faking RBG’s death, getting the GOP’s obvious and shameless hypocrisy on the record, particularly Lady G in a tight race, and then bringing her back from the dead on Monday.

One time??


He’s running in a close race and could lose over this.

Where are you seeing Romney saying this. Even the Murkowski quote is apparently from earlier in the day yesterday, before RBG’s death.

Even Nadler is openly advocating Court packing. I suppose the silver lining is that Democrats in power seem to have hit their collective breaking point. I hope it matters but fear it won’t.


Maybe it’s just me but I would think LadyG’s statement today - and the shepherding through of whatever horrible person is nominated - helps him, not hurts him. It probably motivates turnout among those who weren’t excited to vote for him.

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You don’t think there will be very generous job offers waiting for her if she plays ball and loses the election?

This. The Obamas and Clintons should start making plans (I’m sure they already have them) to flee.

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Are they going to test RBG’s corpse for polonium?

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She’s got those job offers either way.

Then why should she care if she loses her Senate seat?

Because she still wants to be a senator?