The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Interracial marriage probs isn’t going anywhere. Homosexuality is in the crosshairs of every bible toting evangelical since forever, nothing would surprise me. It’s an ABOMINATION BEFORE GAWD don’t you know? I actually expect gay marriage to go before Roe.

Standard liberal theory is “I won’t share and don’t expect anyone else to share unless someone is threatening to put us in prison if we don’t.”

(Generally true)

If Trump loses and isn’t able to get his pick approved he’ll probably nominate Garland in the lame duck session. Would be much better for Republicans than whoever the squad makes Biden pick, get an old, moderate centrist in there instead of whoever AOC wants.

Nah, Roe is huge for Republicans. I expect the order in which they dismantle liberal progress to go: ACA, Roe, and then gay marriage.


OK, how about this: I have a transgender child. How worried should I be about how this impacts the rest of their life? I’m pretty worried.


You should seriously start looking for ways out of the US


At the very least, your child should expect employment and housing discrimination to be the norm. I doubt SCOTUS goes fully banning homosexuality, but they’ll for sure go “MUH RELIJUS FREEDUMB” and allow anyone to be a homophobe.


Yeah, tactically the incremental extension of the current anti-abortion strategy seems way way way better if your goal is actually making abortions hard or impossible to get. But for decades Republicans have conditioned their pro life base to expect that Roe will actually be overturned, which I think would be a political disaster for Republicans because most people don’t actually want that. And those people who don’t really care about abortion that much as an issue might not really notice abortion slowly but surely becoming less and less available but they’ll sure as hell notice the headline “ROE OVERTURNED!”

But pro lifers are expecting that and have been conditioned to expect that result for decades. Kind of puts the Republicans in a bind.

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Blaming Democrats for what Republicans do is galaxy brain bullshit. GTFO


I’m not a heavy drinker and I don’t think I’ve had more than 1 drink in a day at any point since New Year’s Eve, I’ve probably had ~10 drinks this year. I was mostly just making a 2020 joke, but there were definitely a few days I needed one beer to take the edge off and I’m not usually that way.

I don’t understand how this is an if not a when if Trump wins. He wants to get rid of the payroll tax that funds them, as with anything else, who’s going to stop him?

All the rich people and most of the white people will be able to get abortions, nobody else in about 25 red states will.

Putin’s Russia says hello. We’re about to turn into a radical fundamentalist Christian country. Gay marriage will be banned in 25+ states, and that’ll be ruled okay. Remember the bakery case about the cake? Yeah, discrimination on the basis of sexuality will be ruled okay. Are we literally going to round up all the gay people and put them in camps? Not yet. Check back on that in a few years, though.

In 2016, did you think we’d be forcing hysterectomies on detainees in detention centers in 2020? If not, reconsider whether you’re appropriately assessing the magnitude of the situation.

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Go to a Trump rally, get in the middle of the crowd, and shout out, “LETS BAN ALL THE GAYS!”

Report back to me how many people tell you it’s a bad idea, how many laugh, and how many cheer. Then yell out “KILL ALL THE GAYS!” and report back accordingly. It’ll be educational for you, I think.

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Are you high?


Don’t need to get out the vote if you don’t have elections



Get them the fuck out of the country right fucking now. Canada, France, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, wherever. I’m so profoundly sorry we failed you and your child.

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Maybe, but at some point they have to feel like Charlie Brown when Lucy holds the football.

There’s a reason why modern popular shows contain “heroes” like Walter White, Jaime Lannister, and Don Draper.

Tough to see how that plays out. I could buy a republican trifecta passing a federal statute making abortion illegal and the super-conservative court ruling that law is constitutional. That’s about it though. Remember, I don’t even think Roe is technically going away. It doesn’t have to. They’ll just chip away at it in red states by passing laws saying abortions are fine so long as you’d on’t have them on days ending in ‘Y’.

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We probably need 51 total vote to pull it off because of lolmanchin, but it looks like a democratic trifecta indeed will stack the court: