The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I’ve gone almost seven full months, and I proly won’t have a drink until there is a medical breakthrough re:covid. I gotta feeling a lot of drinkers will end up being non-drinkers because of the pandemic… and we already know a lotta drinkers have become problem drinkers for the same reason.

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We are definitely drawing live to abortion being declared unconstitutional

Everything RBG worked so hard for is in jeopardy because of one mistake. Republicans can play 2D checkers because Dems are terrible strategists.


I blame Amazon and being able to get literally everything delivered. It’s harder than ever to inconvenience the masses.

We’re drawing live to homosexuality being declared illegal. Nothing is safe.


Yup, interracial marriage too.


We need to completely eradicate this line of thinking. It’s a loser’s mentality that leads to self-defeating strategy contradictions and paradoxes. You can always argue against yourself with this logic. What we usually get is this:

Let’s avoid directly doing the thing we’re trying to accomplish because that will motivate our opponents. Let’s instead do another thing we aren’t trying to accomplish.

It’s playing not to lose instead of playing to win which the left is expert at when they have the ball and the lead. It’s why we don’t have healthcare, for instance. We had the ball, we had the lead, and we [drumroll] kicked a field goal inside the one yard line on third down in case of a bad snap. Now the play is under review for like the nineteenth consecutive time and will finally get overturned when the aging refs are replaced by 4chan posters.

We have the numbers. They don’t. Let’s focus on getting our team to show up instead of worrying about what happens if we run up the score with a big lead. Only losers worry about winning by too much.


Not until Mitch divorces his China person.

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No, homosexuality and interracial marriages aren’t going to be made illegal. Cmon.

Yes, Roe v. Wade is going to be struck down. No, that won’t ban all abortion. Access will be harder for many, but it’ll still be available for most.

Bad stuff for sure, and things are terrifically fucked, but we don’t have to look silly and talk about rounding up gay folks and butchering them in the streets.


You’re right. The GOP loves minorities.

To be clear, I didn’t mean this will happen right away. But 25-50 years from now? Absolutely.

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Not strong enough. Recess appointment Garland FFS.

I mean something like 90% of Americans approve of interracial marriage. A large majority support gay marriage. Probably an even larger number would be against banning homosexuality. The Republicans only engage in culture war social issues when it can help them in elections, they don’t actually gaf about any of it.


Define “most”

Like if “most” people in a state like Mississippi can’t afford an abortion or can’t get to the one clinic still allowed to operate in the state, can “most” still get an abortion there even if it’s technically still legal?

Don’t like 90% of Americans want more gun regulation too?

I’m not going to die on the hill of predicting they’ll eventually ban interracial marriage and they’ll make homosexuality illegal, but it’s certainly in the realm of possibility.


What in the actual fuck does the majority being in favor of this or that have to do with anything? GOP has been in the minority on most social issues for a generation or more! I assume you’re trolling here :joy:

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Republican politicians don’t want to ban homosexuality or interracial marriage, the people who vote Republican don’t want to ban homosexuality or interracial marriage, and no one else wants it. So, uh, those things seem unlikely to happen.

