The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything



Glad to see you joined me in wake and baking. Only way to survive this day.

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You guys still donā€™t get it. If Hillary had won, they would refuse to hold hearings for any of her picks for four years. Theyā€™ve set the precedent that they can illegally keep the opposition party out of the SCOTUS for perpetuity. And there were no consequences to that. Dems should have help up every single piece of legislation until they gave Garland a hearing.


Have the balls of pepper which totally arenā€™t tear gas but look exactly like it started flying yet?

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Theyā€™ve already figured out they can beat, maim and jail peaceful protesters with impunity. So lol protesting

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Believe me, I get that now. Dems will never get a hearing on another nominee if there is a Republican Senate. Turns out the cheat code to our democracy is holding the Senate.


And itā€™s just a super unlucky and not at all systemically racist and unjust bad break that they can hold the Senate while losing the national popular vote election after election.

Tough break, thatā€™s how the founders designed it!


Yep. And protesting really isnā€™t yielding any results in terms of change. What worked in the 60ā€™s may not continue working in the 20ā€™s. Maybe general strikes or boycotts or abstract forms of civil disobedience may be a better path. I have no idea. I just think Trump is going to be more emboldened than ever to squash protests with force and to get away with it.

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If there were hearings, they would have all just voted not to confirm.

Becherovka. I have a bottle here too.

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Her family should have kept her hidden in the freezer for four months. Totally worth whatever criminal charges ensue.


By the way the next person who tells me in real life that the founders were geniuses might get punched in the face.

Fuck it night off, Iā€™m getting smashed too, phoning a takeout and putting on some tunes after I watch the making of Batman

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve had a drink all year so its over dueā€¦

Anyways, @microbet is correct in that everyone should be aware just who you are criticising today & tomorrow.

They won, be careful out thereā€¦

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Jesus that is some Aaron Sorkin level fantasy-land bullshit. Literally a West Wing episode.

You went almost nine full months of 2020 without a single drink? Are you superhuman?


This was all the most likely outcome of Trump winning in 2016. Weā€™ve run really good up until this point, as hard as it is to believe. We are nowhere near the spectrum of worst possible things that could have happenned over these four years on election night 2016. God only knows how close we came to total nuclear war with North Korea and/or China. I get it, it sucks that we made it all the way to September fucking 18th and still had hope that the Supreme Court wasnā€™t fucked for the rest of our lives, but that was always the most likely outcome. It is what it is at this point. We still have a chance to fade four more years of Trump. So these are things that are going ot happen, there is no way around it:

  1. The ACA is going to be struck down the week after the election. Millions will lose their health insurance and the insurance markets will collapse;
  2. Abortions will become functionally illegal in red states. Probably not in blue states;
  3. The commerce clause is about to become dead letter and Congress is about to lose all ability to pas any kind of social welfare legislation. This is probably the biggest impact to everyoneā€™s every day lives that nobody realizes. Honestly I wouldnā€™t be shocked if this is the end of social security and Medicare/Medicaid.

Whatā€™s the most lol-tastical thing is that certain UnStuckers imagine that posting here on our virtual water cooler could ever be a ā€œtap on a glassā€ to begin with.

Posting is not Praxis! SMH.

Iā€™ve never been a social drinker, so maybe lolā€¦ I smoke weed everyday and Iā€™ve always drove a car + drink just never done it for me.

Itā€™s a funny one because I donā€™t trust drinkers because of my childhood & people donā€™t trust folks who refuse a drink for some other reasons unknown to me. :rofl:


Yeah in early 2020 I thought wow maybe we can luckbox this and fade the worst scenarios. Oops.

Arguments 11/10, ruling likely not until 2021 right? So if weā€™ve already enrolled for 2021 plans by then we may be okay til 1/1/22.

I agree with this. I think the end of Social Security and Medicare is just going to be the end of the payroll tax, blame Dems for running the programs into the ground when they run out of money and donā€™t replace them.

If SS and Medicare go, we might as well all YOLO and just do all the drugs once we reach retirement age.

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