The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Holy shit. I’m still hungover.

I was thinking Doug Jones of Alabama. I take back my statement of WAAFness based o that tweet.

Fuck Doug Collins


Pretty sure the rate of snowball growth has already fucked us mightily. We are well on the way to Idiocracy

We need every powerful liberal in this country to understand that now is the time to exert maximum leverage.

NBA players have already shown they are willing to walk away from the bubble for social change. Threaten to walk mid Conference Finals without a guarantee that a nominee won’t be voted on until Inauguration Day.

The liberal players in the NFL need to threaten to walk away too. Aaron Rodgers walking away right now is going to piss off a lot of people in Wisconsin.

Bloomberg, Soros, or some other liberal billionaire should be straight up offering $20 Million to any Republican Senator who refuses to let this move forward.

Dems in the House need to be prepared to shut the government down over this.

Hit these fuckers in the only places that they actually care about.


This is why we always lose


Well, this is a win for the accelerationists I guess.


lol consider her for what? there’s not gonna be an opening. this is denial/bargaining phase. and like, use this image of her with w to show that michelle obama is obviously loved and accepted by republicans and democrats. just like georgew bush is lolol @thehill is definitely the dumbest publication i follow


right, this is the thing. in the past, Republicans had been content to confine their cheating to legalistic maneuvers, technically staying within “the rules” mostly because they could build the rules.

Now however, they know that they’re demographically doomed. They’re already past the point of diminishing returns from gerrymandering, they can’t get much more out of covert disenfranchisement efforts like voter ID, and they’re still staring down the barrel of extinction. This is basically their last shot. They are absolutely do whatever they can to keep power, and they’re going to make it as permanent as they can because their only other option is to actually modernize their beliefs and try to, like, appeal to more voters, which would require, like, not being nazis.


Excellent post

People are reportedly protesting outside the turtle lair.


I don’t hate myself that much.

How many times in the last 18 hours have you yelled “fuck” at the top of your lungs?

I’m at six I believe.

I’m giving whiskey/kofola a go and smoking a joint.

Need a fast rush of CBD. Oil won’t do it this time.

Watching Syracuse football is shockingly not helping things

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Good, surround his house. Don’t let anyone enter or leave.

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Correct. I talked to a buddy from back home a couple weeks ago who blames all the nation’s ills on “the liberal Democrats.” I reminded him that “the liberal Democrats” control one half of one branch of the three in our government, and asked him to show his work. He couldn’t, of course, but he’s sure it’s somehow their fault.

Yeah, I know. The “libertarians” rarely turn out to actually be for small government, but the tea-party/Trump Party isn’t necessarily going to end up destroying things like social security and Medicare. Most of the fascists have some social welfare policies. Pinochet might have been different on that front.

I remember losing my shit over Garland and telling everyone Dems needed to go full scorched Earth and most everyone, even 22ers, thought I was overreacting. Dems may not ever get another to appoint another SCOTUS justice in my lifetime.


I can only be so masochistic, not watching Cuse right now.

We all assumed Hillary had it locked up at the time. We probably should have freaked out more then, but we need to be better this time.

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