The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Don’t need to just limit it to rape. Perhaps their threshold for desiring an abortion is higher, but they’re all about getting abortions for themselves when they want them for whatever reason. They will do it quietly and still be outspoken opponents of abortion rights.

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Like guys, look around, this shit has gone down in hundreds of countries over thousands of years. When the racist minority party gets power, that’s it. They don’t give it up without an actual war.

If you’ve ever wondered “how did ____ atrocity happen,” the answer is “like this.”


Absentee balloting and the legality of it after Trump loses bigly there would be my guess. If they filed suits in a bunch of states that is going to be effective because all roads lead to the SC. As we have seen with the tax returns they can also just endlessly stall, create chaos and then who knows what happens.

Yes, most do not.

This one will. If you don’t think so, I don’t know what to tell you.


On the one hand, someone with a gun going after a politician because they or their family members were thrown off Medicare is not an impossibility.

On the other hand, the Fascists aren’t against social welfare for the right people. The Milton Friedmans of the Republican Party are going to get their faces eaten by the Putin/Hitlers.

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wIN oVeR gOp SeNaToRs On pRinCiPLe


What fucking planet have these people been living on the last decade?

Calling it now, this is how it will happen, expand it to Presidential elections too:

Not only will the new Court approve it, they’ll jerk off to the “Constitutionality” of it.

Oh, the Rs are now holding power with 40% of the vote. Hadn’t noticed :joy: …sorry libtards but those are the rules…

What if we give them Hillary for a vacant seat


I know we as humans arent great at judging crowd sizes, but that seems like quite a bit more than a couple hundred

What a pathetic loser Hillary is.

Stand by your sex criminal husband and destroy his truthful accusers in order to be President, then fail at that resulting in the country descending into fascism.

Then think you have any place advising anyone AFTER ALL THAT HAPPENS.


Ballots received after Election Day don’t count… oh Dejoy fucked up the mail and those votes happened to skew D… sorry libtard, hadn’t noticed :sunglasses: but those are the rules…

Wait, this is the DEMOCRATIC senator from Georgia?

Holy shit are we fucked

Maybe more if that Jones tweet is any indication

No. There is no Democratic senator from Georgia.

That state has a “top two” voting system so that multiple Republicans and multiple Democrats can run for the same seat. If no one gets 50%, then there is a top two runoff. Loeffler and Collins are both Republicans.

One where they don’t actually feel the consequences of shit like this.

I dunno. But it seems like now may be a good time to pivot to “vote in person if you can”. Wear your haz-mat suit if you have to, but vote in person or drop off your mail-in ballot well ahead of time. They’ve telegraphed the upcoming legal scam on mail-in votes. Why are we willingly falling into the trap?


If you don’t have kids already do not have kids


One could argue that good people need to have kids so they can counter the deplorables who wouldn’t know what a condom was if it bit them in the face.