The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

That’s unfortunate

Yeah. Not only can we look forward to the ACA and social security being trashed, but also climate change continues to run wild. The coronavirus goes uncontrolled. The economy can’t recover. The rule of law continues to be destroyed. Continued racial tension and division. A ban on abortion. Increased national security vulnerabilities. And destruction of the elections system. The latter being quite important as we won’t be able to vote our way out of the dictatorship. Am I missing anything?

I actually just came here to post this. Trump now has to be a huge favorite to win again, right? Polls are basically irrelevant and even voting is irrelevant at this point. There are nine votes that will determine the next POTUS and the GOP holds six of them.

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Proceed at your own risk

I warned you

It’s why they have painted the Dems (who are close to useless corporate puppets mostly) as radical communists that are an existential threat to “real” America. The otherization of the entire left will allow ample justification for the outright seizing of power over the next few months at any and all costs.

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My bet with @Clovis (getting 3-1 on a Dem POTUS in 2024 if Trump wins 2020) may not be looking good, but when I pay him one hundred worthless US Dollars instead of with the new currency of TRUMPS I’ll get the last laugh.

eta: Shit, that’s my $15 bet with @Stimabuser I think.


I just realized I hadn’t thought about Covid one time all morning. Silver linings and all I guess.


Hey he’s also the reason I can place legal sports bets now!

My Presidential prediction was that Trump would be reelected.

My SCOTUS prediction is that the seat gets filled by a lame duck Republican senate and an outgoing Trump. Just for maximum F U to America.

These predictions are not logically consistent.

Yea, the part where the people with the guns, when it directly starts to affect them, start pointing them at politicians.

Most elections don’t end up in front of the Supreme Court tho

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This one will if Trump looks like he is going to lose. The groundwork has already been laid for it even prior to this happening.

My Twitter feed is 80% non politics.

I want to reform the Supreme Court so my feed won’t be 90% unreadable. Not the most high minded reason

To expand on this, when enough faces start to get eaten by leopards, the people will turn on the leopards.

We’ve seen it with Covid - they’re screaming about hoaxes and not wearing masks until it’s them or their family that ends up in the ICU.

They’ll come around when it’s their sweet southern daughter that gets raped and is forced to have the child. They’ll come around when they figure out that they’re the welfare queens that they’ve been screaming about for the last 20 years. It’s just not bad enough for them yet, but it will be.

At least, that’s the last bit of hope I’m holding out for, because I’m pretty certain that we’re heading to a contested election that’s decided by a conservative court.

You’re presupposing that we will still have actual elections.

We won’t.


If your hope is that racist assholes will reform themselves then I am quite sure there have been people in this country waiting for that group to get their comeuppance for literally centuries. It hasn’t happened yet and I don’t see how having their team win the political war will do anything but further be emboldened.

I ain’t logging in.

I see what you’re saying, but all the anger that Trump supporters should focus on their own, will instead somehow get transferred to the Democrats. I just don’t spend enough time observing conservative outlets to really understand how the brainwashing works, but I know it does work.