The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

The solution to this is to remove the justices, which is something Congress has the power to do and should be exercising.

Need 66 votes which is impossibe

I know but we are in fantasy land already.

The solution to all of our problems is to get rid of the Senate. I feel like we are all missing the real problem here.

Gotta be honest. I read this and wondered by Diana Ross had to do with Mitch McConnell

the centrist forum tone police who would rather cry about fake civility and shit on the left than face the truth.

She def should have retired during Obama and screwed the country with her hubris. Still, Iā€™ll respect her enough to go shit on kaepernick and build a pipeline through native land in her honor

I think the seat filling process is pretty legally questionable when itā€™s systematically denying the majority their say. Mass protests over minority rule seems legit to me

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Exactly this. The President is entitled to nominate a SCOTUS justice, and the Senate has the constitutional power to confirm. This will happen. We can be angry that the Senate played hardball in 2016 and wouldnā€™t hold a vote on Garland. Unfortunately for us, they had that power and exercised it. They also have the power to hold a vote on Timmy Deplorable, and they will do it. We can be mad, we can ā€œtake to the streetsā€, we can call people and complain, you can try to storm the Capitol. But whatever you feel or do, itā€™s coming. There is absolutely zero chance that the Republicans, who have been dreaming of this EXACT moment for decades, are going to pass up a chance to nominate a Supreme Court justice because itā€™ll make us feel better.

And even after this happens, Trump will still stand a solid chance at re-election, because a very, very large number of Americans are getting exactly what they want, and they love it.


Maybe protest isnā€™t the right word then, but ā€œFill this seat before inauguration and weā€™re going to fuck shit upā€ isnā€™t necessarily less effective than protesting anything else.

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So regardless of the number of people that showed up. Nothing would change? I disagree.

if you want a safe space Iā€™m sure there is a twitter thread full of good libs where they are hiding the posts that hurt your feelings

Youā€™re so edgy!


From the limited things Iā€™m seeing I think RBGā€™s ā€œsurprisingā€ decisions are usually good. She had some respect for limiting the power of the federal government and sometimes that had her voting against something that liberals liked policy-wise.

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I think most of the focus is on the wrong thing.

Iā€™m seeing a ton of debate about what Democrats should do after they regain power, when the far larger and more immediate concern is being foreclosed from EVER having power again.

Neil Gorsuch is now the swing vote. I fully understand that he wrote one good decision about Native Americans because of some personal connection, but heā€™s a god damn right-wing monster.

You canā€™t name me one modern case where a conservative justice voted against political power for conservatives. Ever. This election is going to end up before the Supreme Court and theyā€™re going to rig it, full stop.


Yup. Itā€™s over. The election isnā€™t going to matter most likely because if it looks like Donnie has lost they will legal challenge the shit out of it to the SC and a 6-3 SC never goes against Trump ever.

No Dem ever gets power again and the SC slowly drifts farther and farther right as the few remaining liberals die off.

It will most likely be a joke. I know Iā€™m not driving to Utah, smashing stuff and telling Mittens that if he votes for a new Justice Iā€™ll be back to burn down his office.

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Walking, flying, different state?

When youā€™re within striking distance of taking the whole thing the mask comes off and everyone just says what everyone knows.

Canā€™t wait for the balls and strikes rhetoric when the the 6-3 decision comes down that any business regulation is actually unconstitutional because Democrats want it

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Iā€™ve resigned myself to the thoughts that the America I want isnā€™t happening any time soon. We lost, really a while ago. So thereā€™s no point in fighting the inevitable.

I figure the sooner all the consequences of having a republican president, a stacked right wing supreme court, and a conservative Congress come to fruition the sooner the rest of america might figure out how bad these things are.

The cult wonā€™t care until theyā€™re eating cat food, Medicare is ended, social security is ended, and the rich are partying behind their 10 ft walls.

Eventually all of the conservative guns that theyā€™re threatening to use on protestors are going to be trained on republican politicians.

Might take a few decades, though.


Iā€™m not getting shot or going to prison for any 99.999% likely futile gesture to help this fucking country. In fact, Iā€™m starting to think that itā€™s time to be more careful about any public criticism of it.

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