The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

The Dems need to have it hammered into their heads over and over again that they need to play the game more ruthlessly. Do you think the Rs would hesitate for a second to brow beat an elderly SC justice into retirement so they could jam in a younger conservative?

So it all comes down to the election for us to keep drawing live to getting out of this political meta intact. We have to win big or it’s game over.

Not voting =!= not voting this.

I feel sad that for all the good she tried to do in her lifetime, that these are the thoughts she was probably consumed by as she was dying.


If they wanted something that badly, they would have registered and voted.

Not even 60% of Americans vote for the president. As a people, we got complacent with democracy, took its existence for granted, didn’t appreciate it and now it’s gone.

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Yup I thought that this morning. It would be terrible to be dying and have the full weight of all this be what it sounds like she was thinking about at the end.

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Same. She fucked up big and she knew it and I feel terrible for her. I don’t wish her legacy to be what it’s going to be, but I do wish take this as a hard lesson that this fucking shit cannot happen. When you refuse to retire at an old age when democrats have the presidency and senate you’re putting democracy, roe v wade, womens rights, voters rights, workers, rights, trans rights, gay rights, everything they say they give a shit about in massive jeopardy.

Like we have a chance if we can win the senate, presidency, and massively pressure dems to pack the courts, but it’s a super long shot and the huge favorite is this country turning into a literal hellscape right wing authoritarian dictatorship for the majority of our lives and we cannot keep putting ourselves in that position by being stupid and selfish.


Hope the whole thread imbeds


Just had a thought. The Romney/Murkowski/vulnerable R senators may not want to confirm a new SC justice right now because of the hypocrisy.

But what if it could be made more palatable?

Picture this: Thomas retires next week. And as a compromise, both seats get replaced by Amy Coney Barrett and Merrick Garland. You’ll probably have a fourth of the Democrats go for this.

Just going to make one comment. Sotomayor is who you guys think Ginsburg was. RBG is not without some terrible decisions in her closet.

Lol at Cocaine Mitch agreeing to this when he doesn’t need to.

Get that West Wing shit out of here.

The protest is to not allow them to get another justice in. By any means.

I don’t see this as “West Wing shit”. That is an absolute nightmare scenario.

Literally the plot of this episode


No chance. That would make the court basically 5-4 again with Roberts still acting like a somewhat non insane monster. They want a fully completely fucked 6-3 and is going to bring full right wing authoritarianism and will strike down all democratic bills as unconstitutional

West Wing is still one of my favorite shows of all time but it’s fantasy. Lol at the Supremes working…with McConnell of all people.

Oh. Didn’t know that.

Fair points.

I agree D’s need to immediately pack the court.

Unfortunately the January 2021 law adding 4 justices will be struck down as unconstitutional, 6-3.


The system is completely broken when it comes to nominating justices. It should be protested.

There is precedent. Several in fact. If they still do it we say we no longer recognize the supreme court and legitimate and remove them with whatever liberal police force we have. Maybe make an elite squad of liberal troops called the ANTIFA American patriot squad.