The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Honestly, the more I look at the competence of our leaders versus theirs, I can’t help but think that maybe they are right that liberalism is an ideology for stupid naive fools. Might as well go ahead and reprogram myself before I’m forced to…

What possible good comes from smearing her legacy, right or wrong?


You should see how they dress otherwise.

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My Appoligies brother, we should not be arguing amounst ourselves today and I’m very sorry for swearing at you this morning.

My bad… :v:

As I live in another country, if anyone feels unsafe, they arewelcome to PM me to talk about anything at all including everything/everyone.


The above I believe is true wrt voter suppressed and R’s disgusting tactics we the left have found it difficult.

And is why I’m more than willing to listen now rather than argue. We need to vote in mass and take @skydiver8 advice wrt local and state.


Getting a Supreme Court seat stolen last go-round sure helped fire up the Democrats and turn out. There is zero chance they don’t ram through another, and there is still a solid chance Trump wins re-election.

This isn’t because McConnell is evil (he is), but because this is the America that the people want and voted for.

I know we don’t like this America, but an awful lot of our citizens are waking up very happy today that abortion is soon to be illegal. And they are going to be whistling Dixie as they head to the polls and actually turn out.

The turtle is a supreme scumbag, but he is correct when he says that the American people voted a Republican senate and Donald Trump into office for EXACTLY this reason.


Maybe it wakes dems the fuck up and other justices to not be like her and do the right thing? If we point out how badly her decision has fucked us, dems will use it as a learning tool. If we ignore it they/the next justice will continue to do it.


Ex: if Biden wins and we have at least 50 Dem senators, Breyer needs to immediately retire after inauguration


Well I mean more people voted for democrats but I get your point and you’re right. This is what the tyranny of the minority want.

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And the progressive wing needs to make packing the court their #1 issue

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They’re a bunch of sociopathic fucking ghouls, so it’s a no-brainer to shit on the legacy of a woman who’s 12 hours dead to snag a couple of likes on a low-traffic internet forum.


Seriously, that’s one area where Canada is actually ahead of USA#1


Legacy itself is an individualistic idea, which probably contributed to her staying on the Court so long. Why are we lionizing that? All our liberal leaders seem to want to be the one to get the credit for doing the good stuff, whereas their’s are happy to be a rotating cast of henchmen that JUST GET THE FUCKING JOB DONE.

Oh fuck off, people are pissed because millions will suffer from her decision.

Like RGB did a lot of good, but she also completely and unbelievably fucked us. I’m sure during these last 4 years she strongly regretted her decision herself. So I don’t hate her or anything, like I said she did a lot of good. But I’m fucking pissed were in this situation now when we didn’t have to be.


The majority of the American people voted neither for Donald Trump nor the Republicans in the Senate.


It’s fairly obvious that SCOTUS is a terrible issue to campaign on. The play is to win the election convincingly, then enact a bunch of structural reforms, including SCOTUS reform. But with minimal talking about it before the election.


“The one area”?!


There’s probably others like moose population or poutine consumption.


No. Over 253 million Americans are of voting age and about 63 million voted for Trump.

Basically, 25% of Americans wanted this. Hell, the majority of voters didn’t want this.