The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Yeah she clearly should have stepped down in 2009. We could have gotten a liberal justice then. She was already 76. This has been discussed in the past on the forum and it’s hard to think about right now.

In other news, right wing Twitter is now ripping her grand daughter for politicizing her death after Tucker Carlson said he doesn’t believe that she expressed wishes not to be replaced by this president.

I can’t say what I feel about that.

Ted Cruz 2016: We can leave it at 8 as long as we want, there’s precedent and it’s functioning just fine.

Ted Cruz Now: We can’t leave it at 8 that would be a crisis.

No surprise obviously.

Yes well she’s gone now and there’s no point going over alternative timelines. It’s now about people making peace with what’s about to happen or confronting it and facing possibly terrible consequences. Rotten choices.


ACA may already be dead regardless. SCOTUS hears arguments a week after the election, and a 4-4 ruling means the lower court ruling stands.

This is the ruling that never should have made it to the Supreme Court in the first place: that if the individual mandate is unconstitutional the entire law must be struck down.

Roberts could push the case back or order it to be reheard with the ninth justice, so this could go a lot of ways.

ACA is probably the least of America’s worries now imo.


All organized religions are cults and every church should be destroyed.



I’ve pretty much given up all hope at this point. WAAF.

  1. Supreme Court is really really fucking important for the long term. But the presidency has more power and another term of Trump is not survivable. A super-conservative Supreme Court is.

Personally I think you have this backward. A hyper partisan Supreme Court can essentially play gatekeeper to any laws passed or executive orders written by the left. They have the ability, if they stop the pretense, to end any hope of progress in our lives. They can also roll back what little progress has actually been made.

Of course if Trump wins they likely get the 6th justice anyways.

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I don’t think I can or should listen to any R politician or talking head for a couple months. The insatiable rage I am feeling at the hypocrisy and ruthlessness literally can’t be good for my health.


It’s just sad. For her as well as us. Her place in the history books 50 years from now is likely to be 0% her pioneering role for women, any decisions she wrote, any votes she made, etc, and 100% the fallout from this.


Fuck off with this shit


It is really difficult to figure out what to do today.

Protests and political pressure are almost certainly useless. The other side has no ethical or moral framework to lean on. The largest protest in global history could be convened and it wouldn’t move a single republican. In fact, it would almost certainly cement their already existential victim complex.

Calling McConnell a hypocrite is like blaming a leopard for eating faces.

I have no better answers. Completely tuning out it sounding viable at this point.

Ginsburg had been having serious surgeries since NINETEEN fucking NINETY goddamn NINE. Can’t take that chance.

Ugh. Look at Anthony Kennedy. Cut a deal to retire and get his protege Kavanaugh on the court. Amazing, the politics of the Rs are individualistic but their leaders are highly organized and collective. Meanwhile liberals are the opposite.


IMO The biggest failure of the left and the eDems was allowing citizens United to become law, now the left really had no say so all in all it is BILL & HRC’s mess for taking the cash like the republicans.

LOL for trying to blame the folks who seen her as crupt as she is.

No… Blame Obama, blame Hillary, blame Bill because they were the ones in power with Obama having the Congress. Its that simple, he could have brought change along with the eDems, but no.


For those planning to protest, please make sure you vote first. I do not want a prolonged protest, being arrested, or worse to prevent anyone’s vote from being recorded in this election. I think this message needs to be spread to all who plan to protest. Vote first, then prepare for a fight.


Wasn’t just any surgery, Ginsburg had colon cancer in 1999. Then she had pancreatic cancer in 2009. Highly narcisstic to stay on, if we are being honest.


This is not the time or place, but it’s ridiculous that judges wear robes.