The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

ActBlue is a processor, the money goes to candidates and maybe PACs.

Advertising mostly. Buying shit. Hiring more staff.

But mostly advertising. I’m fine if Al Gross can now afford to buy a spot in AK during Monday night football.

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I’m 34. There’s obviously some selection bias here but of people I speak to or text more than once every say 3 months, I know precisely one who is not freaking out/irate/chomping at the bit to vote and she is still 100% voting and 100% voting for Biden and doing some stuff to promote racial equality in her place of work.

My friend from college who’s the upper class college educated white liberal male is more of a WAAFer than I am now. My ex is ready to storm DC, she signed up tonight to text bank - all she’s ever done before is vote.

I’m extremely confident 30-35 year olds are turning out in a big way. 25-30 more than usual. 18-25 we shall see.

I know numerous people who will be phone or text banking for the first time. Numerous donating to politicians now and in '18 for the first time. My buddy’s neighbors are immigrants, they’ve been citizens but hadn’t voted. They registered a few days ago, they are very eager to vote.

Most of this is in PA by the way.


When there’s real dirt they accuse us of making it up and planting people to give the made up testimony. So fucking make shit up and plant people to give the testimony. All options should be on the table.

I may call my Democratic Senator too and tell his office listen I don’t care what you have to do, rip microphones out of the Senate, destroy the voting apparatus, blow the circuit breaker, pour cement in Mitch McConnell’s shoes, set off the fire alarms, I give zero fucks.

You have 47 people and their staffers with physical access to the building. This vote cannot happen. Figure it out.

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Game. Fucking. On.

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My only fear is it hurts us in the Senate races in NC, SC, GA, IA, AK, MT. But fuck it, let’s brawl. It’s not our choice it’s theirs. They can let this election decide this seat, or they can blow up norms again and find out of they can cheat their way out of 8-10 point deficits in NC, ME, CO and AZ Senate races.

RBG news broke around 7:30ish. McConnell released his statement around 9pm. That’s direct backlash for McConnell saying they’re going to do it.

I donated $100 to the PAC dividing it to like the 13 closest Senate races. I’ve also given straight to candidates before. It depends where you donate specifically through Act Blue.

I don’t understand why you’d say you’re going to do all that hardball stuff publicly. Threaten McConnell privately, sure. Actually do it after the election, sure. Why announce your intentions though? 100% of people who are going to be like “yeah, right on, get 'em” are voting D anyway.

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McConnell would go public with the threat anyway.

Meh. There are ways and means. You don’t have to spell out to him exactly what the playbook is, I’m sure he’s aware.


That’s fair. Biden should probably be the one to deliver the message, since I’m sure McConnell views Schumer as a huge pushover. Maybe it’s just, “You do this, you better hope I don’t win. [Smiles and pats him on the shoulder.] Just hope I don’t win.”

And walk away. That probably sends the message.

Here’s the thing though. The game’s been on.

We’re playing 1v1 basketball and you’re a heavy favorite. But unbeknownst to you, there’s a rule that if I lose I die. As usual, I start out losing, but this time I start fouling you increasingly violently, just taking shots at your knee every time.

We’re friends, so you just keep diligently calling fouls thinking something is weird but maybe I’m just being my old clumsy self and am struggling today. Whatever, you can cruise to victory.

You’re getting close to victory, so as you drive the line, I stab you. You don’t know what’s up, but as you’re bleeding out on the ground you mutter “game on” as the last gasps of breath and blood pour out.


It doesn’t matter, because the only play from the Dems will be to ‘do the right thing’ anyway. Restore normality. Bi-partisanship.

Yeah I mean it’s not like I just realized this tonight. We all knew when Garland happened they’d do this if they got the chance. We all knew it at numerous points the last few years.

But this isn’t 1v1 and 10s of millions of people are about to wake up. A few key people may wake up. What’s more this is a battleground we can fight on. We had no path to victory on Kavanaugh. We do on this.

But we better be willing to get stabbed or worse, and I mean that literally. It’s put up or shut up time. There will be massive protests leading up to this vote, everybody who can afford to get to DC needs to do so.

If they take this seat now and Dems sweep in November I disagree. They will have to understand that this Supreme Court will block literally everything they do for decades. We’ll lose like Manchin maybe. But most I think will get it. Especially when John Roberts is losing 5-4 votes to Alito, Thomas and the Trump trio. Especially when Roe is destroyed and millions of women are calling Dem senators saying DO SOMETHING.

Don’t fuck with me @Narrator.

Expert level would be him reiterating that and then confirming the nominee.

“Well, I do think that Trump should have let the winner of the election nominate the next justice, but he nominated Judge Rao anyway. So I have to evaluate her as a nominee, and she is very well qualified.”


I really don’t know what to say about this terrible news. Nothing seems strong enough and it’s already been said itt anyway.


I don’t want to be like “fuck RBG” because she’s an icon of female empowerment etc and this is partly hindsight 20/20 and we all make bad decisions, but seriously, retire under fucking Obama when the Dems had the senate. This piece is from 2018.



Yet her fans keep pointing to the piddly elbow bounces she calls pushups as evidence of strength and vitality, despite all the evidence that Ginsburg is a frail old woman whose health has long been of concern. In 1999, she underwent major surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation to treat colon cancer. Ten years later, she was diagnosed with early stage pancreatic cancer, for which she also had surgery. In 2014, she went to the hospital after suffering chest pains during one of her famous workouts and discovered she had a blocked artery—doctors put in a stent. When she fell and broke her ribs earlier this month, it was for the third time since 2012.

This was not an unforeseeable situation. You’re rich and powerful, just cement the position of the Court and go do something else.