The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Also obnoxious megachurches would probably be fine losing tax free status and you probably end up dicking over small churches, like in black neighbourhoods for example. But anyway.

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Biden Barret

Trump + X is still drawing extremely live to GG democracy


If Democrats have a senate majority in 2020 2
If Democrats don’t, 1

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Biden winning, just because it buys 4 years breathing room at least. The country is drifting leftwards, all kinds of things might be possible in 4 years, the Supreme Court can’t actually stand against strong public opinion because there’s always the nuclear option of court packing. Trump getting another term might be the ball game immediately.


There is no dirt that would ever make a difference.

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(to at least drag out the hearings and make them ugly to keep 18-35 year-olds - IE the sleeping tiger (my term) - energized and engaged)

The most important election of our lifetimes is less than two months away. If they aren’t already energized and engaged, we’re in big trouble!


But also I think there is a good chance there is no substantive dirt. She’s got 7 kids. Maybe she hired some domestic help without paying the appropriate taxes? That’s about the worst I think we’ll find (which would have been disqualifying in the before times, but won’t do shit now).

Good news Henry Kissinger is still alive


Also, I distinctly recall one primary candidate who was banging this drum since he announced his exploratory committee in Jan 2019. Nice to see everyone catching up.


Only thing is Thomas and Alito living to 90+ out of pure spite and Breyer kicking the can in the next four years, the way things are going.

Should McConnell try to ram a Trump nominee through, Schumer ought to vow that the Democrats, if they win back the Senate and Biden is elected president, will demolish the filibuster, which will allow the Senate to proceed to make Washington, DC, a state (two more senators, who are likely to be Democrats!) and that they will move to add two or four more seats to the Supreme Court. (There is nothing in the Constitution that limits the court’s size to the current nine justices.) In other words: They will implement a Republican nightmare (which, as it happens, can be justified on arguments of equity and fairness).

I think this is the best play. The fear is it will energize the right. But fuck that, they’re already energized. The only thing they understand is getting hit in the mouth.

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I’m still worried about Thomas retiring before January.

This is one of those things though if everyone thinks and talks about this in advance, dems are less likely to be in any position to do it. the dem tent is the “let’s play nice and compromise” one. Lose whoever those are, and there ain’t gonna be no dem senate for a long time.

The other fear, the one which dare not speak it’s name, is that broadcasting your intentions to pack the court and nuke the filibuster gives otherwise-fence-sitting R operatives enough perceived moral cover to truly rig the vote.

I know we’re all worried they’re doing that now. But I think for some it may be still a bridge too far - while at the same time they’re looking for an excuse.

Argh - I just heard myself as I typed that out. Never mind just do it. If legal machinations are an excuse to rig the vote, after Mitch’s craven hypocrisy, then they would have always rigged the vote.


how many ‘biden is a socialist’ do we need before we realize they will rig the election and say whatever they want regardless?


maybe not all hope?


Just read my edit. I got there.

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Where does that money actually go? You might know better than anyone on here. Please tell me they don’t blow it all on $500/hr consultants.

I don’t know that money outside of a few races/areas is going to mean much at this point, we’re that polarized

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