The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

It will be added to the litmus test for second place Democratic nominees.


Just fyi, the last constitutional amendment took the longest to ratify, almost 203 years. The one before that took the shortest time, 100 days.

These two posts make me want to find a way to get on the stage in a primary debate with like 10 Dem candidates to tell them to the faces what a bunch of losers and morons they are for rolling over to the GOP on everything.

Then turn to the camera. You want better healthcare? You want a liberal Supreme Court? Then stop voting for milquetoast losers. Mic drop. Walk off stage.

Not in this climate but never say never. Rs might screw the pooch so bad and somehow not rig elections enough that a big blue wave happens. Also after our bloody civil war II there might be more bipartisan spirit.

Gonna be hard to nail her for sexual harassment. Maybe thereā€™s some other dirt.


Just to be clear, they arenā€™t stealing the seat. Moscowā€™s rule isnā€™t actually a rule, itā€™s just some thing he made up, so heā€™d be breaking a (non) rule that never existed. Tough to call that stealing. The thing that all of us can ā€œdoā€ is stop voting for Hillaries and Joe Bidens but weā€™ve been saying this forever. Might not matter anymore.


I doubt if 10% of unstuck voted for Hillary or Biden in the primary.

Will the nationā€™s most shamelessly corrupt politician abandon his previous statements in order to amass more power? I have no fucking idea! Itā€™s like a grand epistemological mystery, itā€™s like a paradox of the unstoppable force of McConnellā€™s ambitions vs.the immovable object of McConnellā€™s integrity. Which will yield first? Only our best philosophers will be able to figure this shit out, Iā€™m just an enormously well-compensated CNN analyst, I couldnā€™t possibly give you an answer, Iā€™m just going to pose the question and quietly walk away.


i mean this. they made up a rule we knew was a lie and then they ignore that made up rule that we knew was a lie because, well, itā€™s a lie.

Moscow isnā€™t doing anything other than what heā€™s suppose to do. heā€™s evil. heā€™s doing his part in being evil. We suck at our part.

As said here, all democratic candidates need to guarantee that theyā€™ll pack the court, gerrymander the shit out of every state. Mandatory cognitive testing for every person over 60 who wants to vote, done in one facility 3.5 hours drive into the woods. Put all polling station in predominantly black neighborhoods. You know, do your job.


All of us as in many millions of us. I want to show Claire McNuggets the guillotine just as much as anyone. These people shouldnā€™t be on TV they should be getting smashed over the head with one WWE style.

They stole Garlandā€™s seat really. This should be theirs and that should have been ours.


Fuck. Me.

I took it as Calizza being subtly sarcastic, but also amplifying Rs earlier messages on confirming a justice before an election.

We all know Rs are hypocrites - but itā€™s possible some of the lower info voters might actually not be aware. While I donā€™t think it will shame them in any way, I do think thereā€™s still value in constantly amplifying their statements and base hypocrisy.

I mean if Graham flip flops the ad is the easiest ever. Twice he said I wonā€™t do this and if I do hold it against me. If he does it, heā€™s gotta run against his own words.

Talking heads on CNN pointing out hypocrisy donā€™t matter to undecided or center-right voters. Him literally saying hold this against me and doing it might. Might.

They didnā€™t steal it though. They just violated norms. Stealing it would be like if he was guaranteed by law to get confirmed and they refused to confirm anyway. What theyā€™ve made clear is that we have a winner-take-all system with tyranny of the majority in the Senate for SC appointments. The only problem is they donā€™t have the numbersā€“we do.

So when things flip, the only strategy that isnā€™t pure Mickey Mouse league is responding in kind and taking everything by mob rule, and I mean everything including rubbing salt in the wound. Like churches can no longer be tax free because fuck you thatā€™s why, theyā€™re gonna pay some bigly fuck you taxes and also weā€™re taking your guns sorry not sorry. Only problem is the blue team doesnā€™t have any Michael Jordans or Gary Kasparovs that are ruthless enough to play the winning strategy.


mfā€™ing this.

i would double the pay of all military personal to be on the safe side and then go conservatie hunting.

The good news it that 90% of the people posting here are affluent white males. So we will be okay.

But seriously, at this point, just folding and leaving seems like the easiest solution.

Even though Iā€™m part of the 10%, Iā€™m old enough not to survive the reeducation camps. So thatā€™s good.

I agree with almost all of that. I wouldnā€™t fuck over churches because I donā€™t want to motivate their voters.

Hereā€™s something I was just thinking about. You can choose one of the following. Which do you pick:

  1. Trump wins in November, but you can pick anyone you want to fill RBGā€™s seat
  2. Biden wins in November, but Barrett fills RBGā€™s seat