The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I am younger and better looking

I have more money (maybe).

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it’s not funny :(

Here is a nightmare scenario that could easily happen. The state legislatures, which are controlled by Rs in key states due to gerrymandering, have to certify election results under the Constitution. What if Biden wins and they refuse to certify the results because of the well known principle of “fuck you, that’s why” with a sprinkle of voter fraud accusations thrown in?

Then all these “textualist” dipshits on the Supreme Court say well, Constitution seems pretty clear to me on this point and they wouldn’t exactly be wrong even though it’s anti-Democratic as fuck… Not 100% but pretty confident Roberts would find a way to get the “just result” regardless… the rest of these fucks… gulp…

I guess this is what’s coming


I have competition

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I just looked up the procedure for amending the Constitution. You need a two thirds majority of both houses of Congress and ratification by three-quarters of the states so that is never happening. Dems could propose such an amendment in the House and use a negative Senate vote as a justification to pack the court. I’m speaking hypothetically obviously, I mean if they weren’t 10-times consecutive world champion most cuck political party.

Kav probably cost them at least one seat already. they have no chance of keeping the senate if they nominate another Kav

I’m a little embarrassed I don’t know, but I thought nothing happens unless the state Secretary signs off? This is based on trying to remember what Katherine Harris did in FL 2000.

Nope I’ve got bigger plans for her.

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I don’t see how that passes the Constitutional Amendment process.

If the governors have to sign and send them in, they could refuse to do so. Then nobody gets to 270, it goes to the House. A Trump win, right? Not so fast. Pelosi swears in some but not all of the House, and holds the vote before the rest are sworn because the principle of LOL fuck you too applies.

(SCOTUS rules LOL fuck you is conditional and forces the rest to be sworn in, we lose.)

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Grunching but I had to check myself for getting optimistic behind a good person’s death.

It’s like, humans are, even smart ones, just dumb animals and even with RBG being 237 years old and having fought off 42 types of cancer it’s all abstract until it isn’t.




I mean that’s why Cillizza is the king baby. What a fucking tweet.


voter mandated court packing

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yes immoveable lololol

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I’m reminded of @Trolly’s observation that being a successful journalist involves pretending to be a complete fucking idiot, Cillizza is so good at his job because absolutely no pretence is required.


Is immovable one of those words like inflamable where the prefix means nothing? It’s the only way this tweet makes sense.


Court packing needs to be tacked onto the list of litmus tests with single payer and some other things.