The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

While we’re spitballing crazy West Wing scenarios, House should impeach Trump with 50 charges and run out clock with Senate trial


the dead pidgin are the murdered fetuses at the hands of RBG. his front lawn meaning he has a chance to stop it at his door step. 2020 is the year of the great fascist revolution. 3089 is the next time you’ll get a liberal in the supreme court. AU2020 is Australia 2020, where you liberals can go fuck off to. ‘and she be dead libtards’.

not sure tho.


The Constitution says that “no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.”. You basically need the states to unanimously agree to change the composition of the Senate. That’s a big reason for why I have strongly advocated that we need a new constitution, not fixes to the current one.

Holy shit. That could actually maybe work. They have to at least vote on it.

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Everyone keeps saying this and I’m not really arguing the point but it seems cheap to assume there are zero noble reasons for her staying on.

Let’s hope that works both ways.


Tucker Carlson would be Fucker Fuckson.


That should be a Daily Show bit that gets going. Like Ham Rove. Maybe it was Colbert.

Hannity = Fuck Fuckity


Fuck Fuckin reporting in

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This is pretty good. Too bad none of it matters.

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I think it’s more selfishness than narcissism. There is some overlap, but they’re not exactly the same thing.

I think we should keep Grassley away from animals until we can figure out what the heck is going on.


Well for starters, and I don’t know, but I’m pretty sure an arrest of Obama would motivate the BLM movement to the point that the Floyd protests will look like a PTA meeting. I don’t think there’s going to be an Obama trial FYI. But, yeah, something like that would probably crack society and cause violence. Honestly an arrest of Trump after losing could have the same effect.

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I watched that. It was clearly an anti-Obama campaign ad circa 2012. Did you see the full video? It was dumb, but it wasn’t quite what Cohen’s book made it out to be.

Upon 24 hours of reflection since last night I am decidedly less optimistic. I just typed up a long post and deleted it, it was too dark. We’re completely fucked.


Welcome to the club, we had some jackets made.


We’re still not completely fucked yet. We will know how fucked we are in about 45-55 days.

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I’m sure I’ll bounce back and forth between the two possibilities between now and then.

If you weren’t ready to end it yet this should do it.