The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Yes, if it means his team can cheat.

what does that mean? Trump doesnā€™t care about conservative values. All the court stuff is what he gives the republicans as a gift for their loyalty.

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Grunching - If our country is doomed because of this it was already doomed.

Iā€™m logging off for the weekend.

This sucks but we can still overcome it.


No one. Thatā€™s why it over.

Forget Inauguration Day. If they want to fuck around and slam someone through between 11/3 and 1/21 after a Biden win, I encourage them to fuck around and find out. See how the Democratic Senators grow a backbone and pack the court.

We need to stop them for seven weeks to protect the electoral process as much as we possibly can. Thatā€™s it. We have to have a two-pronged approach: political pressure and physical demonstrations that block the process.

Yeah, well Iā€™m hoping heā€™s not smart enough to game that part out in the next seven weeks.

I was going to suggest the Rā€™s affirm Garland and we promise to not cut their fucking heads off.


I mean obviously this isnā€™t how itā€™s going to play out so itā€™s irrelevant, but if we were to cut a deal where itā€™s Garland, they should have to confirm him before the election so the court is not hung.

no, it was heading to doom. we arrived.

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Yeah I wasnā€™t trying to make it sound realistic

Just point out how screwed we are with a 6-3 court

fucking gross. This made me donate to Greenfield again.

Iā€™m just numb.

Not comfortably I assume


everyone is thinking this anyhow. i donā€™t think we should care about a charade that will only send the same message out tomorrow. the problem is that they are evil monsters. not that they are evil monsters who donā€™t wait the proper 24 hours or whatever


lol ye who enter here

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If you canā€™t decide which senate race to donate to, hereā€™s a fund that will split your donation among 13 candidates:

Kentucky is not on the list.

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Iā€™m texting with my buddy. His daughter is two. Is she going to grow up in a country where she has opportunities and equal healthcare? What is he willing to do to make sure she does? What am I willing to do to help him?

My cousin has a 1.5 year old daughter who is biracial. Is she going to grow up in a country where sheā€™s safe? Or are we going to make no progress? Am I going to hate myself every time I see her at a party because I know I could have done more? Or am I going to know I did EVERY. FUCKING. THING?

Fuck the nihilism, fuck the doom and gloom. This fight is for every woman in this country, every person of color in this country, every non-straight person in this country, every non-cisgendered person in this country.

Everyone needs to be thinking about the people they love who arenā€™t white men. I want to look myself in the mirror for the rest of my life without hating myself.


My daughter is two. Iā€™ll be there with you, but right now I need a night of wallowing.



Tonight we drink/smoke/whatever.
Tomorrow we fight.


Iā€™ve got Trump tweeting some bland platitude someone else wrote (if he hasnā€™t already) - then something completely disgusting related to RBG within 24 hours of her passing.

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