The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


Are you counting the Dubya ones?

i donā€™t really see what democrats/liberals can do. I guess those precious moderate republicans can put pressure on senators in swinging states but obv they are happy sheā€™s dead and want to replace her asap. What is our leverage here? Calling the senators and saying you wonā€™t vote for him? He knows that.

If Romney isnā€™t even a starting point, itā€™s completely hopeless. the right move is to pressure Democrats to gerrymander every inch of the country and hope for something good to happen in 20 years.

But Iā€™m more inclined to ask, what are we willing to give of ourselves to make sure this doesnā€™t happen? Are you willing to go to a protest where some people might be killed by radical right wingers or the presidentā€™s henchman? Are you willing to get arrested for having a sit-in on the floor of the Senate?

If enough people say yes to those questions, and back their words up with actions, they will not be able to get this done. As much as people here say, ā€œThis is just for fun, what we do/say here doesnā€™t matter in the real world,ā€ I couldnā€™t disagree more. Weā€™re some of the most engaged types of people in this country, some of the most informed, some of the most intelligent.

If we arenā€™t willing to do what it takes, who will be?



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Iā€™m seeing multiple journalists on twitter saying itā€™s after Inauguration Day, but there is a fog of war, so who knows. I donā€™t really trust any of them to keep their promise anyway.


thatā€™s fine and good for releasing aggression and iā€™m all for it, but RBG will be replaced by an evil ghoul regardless.

  1. Call Republican Senators daily. I plan to tell mine (Toomey, PA, won by 1.7% in '16) to ask Senator Collins how her Kavanaugh vote worked out for her, and remind him that this is even worse, heā€™s up for re-election in two years, and weā€™re not going to forget.

  2. Put our bodies in the way, literally. Be willing to pay whatever price we have to pay to stop this, because if we donā€™t there will be hundreds of thousands of human lives lost as a result over the next two, four, 10 years.

If that doesnā€™t workā€¦

That make the recent ā€œriotsā€ look like a block party.

If ā€œmoderateā€ Republicans gave a fuck they WOULDNT STILL BE FUCKING REPUBLICANS


Nobody is rioting over a Supreme Court seat. Most Americans have no conception of what it means.


First: Sheā€™s an amazing human and there arenā€™t many people who have lived in the last hundred years who have positively impacted humanity more than her.

Second: I think they start the replacement process, but donā€™t have a vote until after the election. Mitch will want to make the election a referendum on the Supreme Court, he will then look to confirm whomever later in November.

Third: Scott Foster is blatantly rigging this game for the Lakers


Iā€™m just telling you what might prevent it. Although Iā€™m seeing a lot of people vowing to start protesting tomorrow on my feeds. Anyone thinking McTurtleface was ever arguing in faith is fucking stupid.

Itā€™s not about ā€œmoderateā€ itā€™s about being in a state where they can lose. They have very few principles, they care about themselves.

Susan Collins won by 37% six years ago. Sheā€™s about to lose by double digits. Pat Toomey is a right wing nut, but heā€™s facing election in Pennsylvania in two years and won last time by 1.7%. Does he wanna fuck around and find out?

the moderate republicans are still all in on conservative justices because abortion.

Look, i applaud @anon38180840ā€™s fire, and I agree itā€™s time to fight, but we will have a 6-3 court going into inauguration day. Itā€™s done. Our only chance now is to win the senate and badger the fuck out of them to get rid of the filibuster and pack the court.

Itā€™s the longest of long shots, but itā€™s all we got.

Also, donā€™t give any money to Amy McGrath, please.

Read this thread:


I was about 99% when I read it. With a bit of effort you could make it much tougher.

iā€™m all for all of it, but none of the you wrote will stop the republicans if Mitt Romney spokesperson is already on the #fakenews train. that fight is clearly dead on arrival.

WAAF but also donā€™t be a lil bitch and lets go out swinging king.


This is the truth right here. This is it.

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Told a couple people at work one a trumper one not both said who and shruggedā€¦

Republicans have to be cognizant of the fact that Trump could get to a point where they canā€™t reel him in.