The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything



it was for my family


I literally teared up reading this. But it feels like a nice movie speech. I have such little faith in the American people.


I maintain that we can win this fight. How many people in America are willing to get to DC and go to jail to prevent this seat from being stolen?

I’m confident that if I go into sack of potatoes mode it’s going to take at least two of them to carry me off the floor of the Senate. Who’s with me???

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This is such a good post. It’s already been over for so many families. That we can continue to get outraged time and time again is a demonstration of our privilege.


Well that brought me down right quick.

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So you’re saying it’s about to be 7-2?


Dude. It matters less marginally but yeah this could get worse!

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Time to eat an edible and watch some Real Housewives of the Potomac.

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You’re right I’m sorry. Was an ill-considered attempt at levity but now is certainly not the time. I am firmly in the WAAF crowd I can assure.

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I won’t be in the streets. I’ll be playing grim dawn and enjoying my life like always. It’s already over. Feels like hank in BB

Not sure this is correct based on what I gather from twitter. Seems people are basing this on Liz Ruskin’s tweet, but she amended the tweet to say that Murkowski actually said she wouldn’t confirm “until after Americans decide who their president will be”. And she said this before knowing about RGB’s death; it was a hypothetical.

Kind of like sporting badges that celebrate a pandemic.

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Serious question.

If enough Republicans could be trusted to uphold their end of the bargain, what concessions would you trade to prevent a confirmation vote before inauguration?

This is not the time for depression. This is the time for anger. This is not the time for hopelessness. This is the time for action.

We’ve got the rest of our lives to be depressed and hopeless. We’ve got fewer than 50 days to do everything in our power to make sure they can’t replace RBG before the election.


I’d promise that her seat would go to Merrick Garland, no tax increases on anyone before 2022, and that nobody who runs against them in '22 would use this against them.

I’d then pack the court in '21, increase taxes on everyone who makes 400K+, tell everyone to run on whatever will help them win, and tell the Republican Senators to ask Mitch McConnell why.


This is the way

Agreed. Nothing to lose and a debt to all those who have been marginalized in our society.

How many fucking SC seats has the electoral college cost us now? Three I think?

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