The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Also this, but vomit warning

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Not even sure why I replied.

Plenty of days between November 3rd and November 30th.

AOC calling for revolution you love to see it


Oh, shit. Are the lol law bros going to turn on AOC now?

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What is AOC saying that is different from what I was saying?

IDK. I didn’t read your posts tbh.


To be clear I don’t think she’s actually calling for overthrow of the government revolution. She’s calling for lots of pressure to be applied to senators. I think it’s possible that enough pressure can come to bear on a few senators to stop this thing from being voted on prior to inauguration IF Biden wins and takes the senate. Any other possibility and it’s game over.

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Right, so she’s calling for trusting the normal way things (are supposed to) work. Saying the laws will work out. Am I wrong?

I’m legit going to drink until I vomit tonight. Shouldn’t take much at this point.



Respectfully, queen, I disagree.


I was sitting watching this as it happened, a surreal moment indeed… :disappointed_relieved:

No, you’re correct.

We’re going to win this fight. We’re going to win this fight because we goddamn have to.

We’re going to flood the phones this week of every Republican senator. We’re going to tell them to ask Susan Collins how her Kavanaugh vote is working out for her. We’re going to tell them that we will not fucking forget what they do on this, and they’ll be up for re-election in two or four years. We’re going to tell them that if they think they saw protests this summer, get ready, because if they go for it they’re going to have to use tear gas to get in and out of their offices.

If they keep going we’re going to flood the streets. We cannot and will not accept defeat on this, too much is at stake and the hypocrisy is too blatant and too obvious.

If that’s not enough, we’re going to flood the floor of the Senate and literally block the process. Let those wannabe fascists arrest us one by motherfucking one. I’m down. Put that on my permanent record in bold fucking letters.

We will win this fight because we CAN win this fight. If Murkowski lets this happen, she loses in '22. Romney actually has some principles and it’s already being reported he won’t vote til after the inauguration. If Collins wants any chance on 11/3, she cannot move on this. Lindsay Graham is running in a close race and he’s the chair of Judiciary on the record on this less than two years ago saying he wouldn’t do it. Cory Gardner will get shredded in Colorado, if he had any hope as it is. Joni Ernst, fuck around and find out motherfucker. Thom Tillis? Fuck around and fight out you piece of shit. Kelly Loeffler? David Perdue? FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT!!!

We have to be ready to fucking fight, but we can win this one and we will win this one because we motherfucking HAVE TO WIN THIS ONE!!!


Feels like we might be counting on Lamar Alexander to save Democracy. I don’t like the chances but it at least has a slim chance.

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We’ve got Romney and Murkowski. I don’t think we’re going to get Ernst, Perdue or Loeffler - at least not if it’s meaningful. Once they know they can’t get the vote through, they’re going to all come out in support of waiting because it’ll poll better for them.

We need two out of Collins, Gardner, Tillis, Graham. All facing re-election right now. All losing or tied in recent polls. Two of the four already previously on the record that they wouldn’t do this.

Motherfucker. We may not have Romney.

ok it’s done.