The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

yeah but they can will already steal the elections.

If Trump wanted he could change his nomination to Ivanka and put her on the court after the election



Disagree. There are GOP senators facing reelection down 15. Getting this done and using the 6-3 edge to cheat even more is their best bet to win.

Yeah, but it motivates both sides.

lol no. They’re just cutting bait because they think Trump isn’t getting reelected.

Our turnout was already going to be high. Republicans might have been low cause Trump sucks ass. Now they’ve got a good reason anyway.

What kind of indication are you looking for here?

It’s not like they’re gonna cc Riverman on the memos.

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Why can’t your sports curse work on Trump, Riverman?


No worries. I’m not American and would never plan on visiting this developing shithole anwyay.


Mark Kelly is polling like 15+ ahead in Arizona and could be sworn in in November, as it’s a special election. That cuts their margin for error down.

Fucking christ man. Mitch couldn’t even let the body get cold before saying they would vote.

I think they vote after the election. If Trump wins, it doesn’t matter. They can take their time and pick a 40 year deplorable that makes Stephen Miller look like a libtard. If Trump loses, they ram in a conservative. They win either way.


I’d be shocked if hearings don’t start within a week or two. If they lose Collins and Murkowski on the nominee over Roe, which is very possible, they don’t want to wait til Mark Kelly is sworn in.


that’s what i meant, it’s clearly the EV move but i guess that Kelly news might change it. and also they probably dont give a fuck

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Kavanaugh just put out a statement:

“After how Trump was treated with the Russia and Ukraine hoaxes, he is owed a third term so should be allowed to run in 2024.”

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Then why even make the post in the first place? Bringing unwanted attention on those of us who actually live here seems like a dick move.


There are already a few hundred protesters at the SCOTUS.


This is not real.

How sure are you?