The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything



My only real counter to this is “he already could.”

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Way too many vulnerable GOP senators fighting for their political life right now that do not want to vote on this before the election. This will happen during the lame duck session. The nomination might happen before the election, but the vote won’t happen till after. Edit: The nomination will almost certainly happen before the election.

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Neomi in charge
Replace woman with woman
May God help us all

I’d be shocked if the nomination didn’t happen before Monday.

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Well on the bright side, for the last 2hrs I forgot about the global pandemic that is raging across the world.


But there was a 1% chance Roberts would frown on it

Now there is 0% the other 5 won’t do it

I can’t figure out how to switch back to my WAAF badge on mobile. Can a mod do it?

Lol at AOC 2024. How could I have been so stupid?


Murk and Romney both say they won’t vote on a new justice until after Inauguration Day, not simply after Election Day. Whether they’re telling the truth, I have fucking clue.

3 Likes’s-next-Supreme-Court-nominee

Barrett currently huge favorite at 52c

I’m serious

How do we create a new flair?

WAAF is not nearly strong enough at this point


Possible Brightside…?

Folks realize, like abortion for example which is under attack could help increase turnout?

I get, the whole voting doesn’t matter anymore schtick, but a full annihilation on voting day is what’s the best shot.


I believe it from them. they have some principles. What was the political advantage to the senator from Utah voting to impeach Trump? What was the political advantage to the senator from Alaska voting against Kavanaugh?

200 buys a lot of ammo!


Lol at actual elections in 2024 at this point (beyond election theater)


what’s the incentive to get a judge sworn before the elections? Is it for election-related decisions? Because otherwise the better evil route is to just get one after the elections. you get the added EV if Trump “win” and if he doesn’t you still get David Duke appointed.

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Election stealing is why

Wow we got a real Mitch in our own hands going back on the precedent he set.

(I’m kidding I don’t actually care)

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Trump shouldn’t even put up a front of RIP RBG on this. No fronts anymore. Just straight up evil. His next rally should be him in leggings and a judge’s robe singing showtunes about her dying.

525,600 minutes
The minutes that Ruth couldn’t live
525,600 minutes
The life force that Ruth couldn’t give


The robber barons won

Is a fair idea for a badge

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