The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

By a wide margin.

ohhh its just not to vote on an opposite partys pick, that makes sense Mitch, go fuck yourself, rot in hell

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Donā€™t worry, LINZEE took a principled stand already

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Trump will kill the protestors and then his new justice will pen the majority opinion that it was ok and legal to do so. Itā€™ll be 5-4 as Roberts wonā€™t want to look like heā€™s ok killing protestors.

Let the record show this was not me.

Weā€™ve gotta be willing to die for this.


Itā€™s probably the same person behind the Sklansky account. Way too obvious.

ETA: Iā€™m now assuming this person is known. I need to calm the fk down.

Thatā€™s fine, but after the US version of Tianemen Square he will get his justice appointed anyway. Theyā€™ll use zoom if they have to.

Phrase wisely folks.

Obviously thereā€™s more pressing issues but this might end my momā€™s marriage. Heā€™s a minister so pro life non Trump supporter but he wasnā€™t voting Biden because of that. Wonder if he votes for Trump now that abortion could be on the line.

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Thatā€™s where the K Pop kids save us.


Mod action taken. Go back to post 974 and give it a like.


Iā€™ll take biden my 200 for your trump 300 if anyone wants an emotional hedge

They are all literally doing cocaine and shots right now. Imagine the texting going on between those fuckheads.

Goodbye America, welcome to the machine

I want to scoop up this free money but canā€™t bring myself to bet on trump. šŸ¤·šŸ¼šŸ˜

Theyā€™re going to move before the election. Mark Kelly gets sworn in more quickly if he wins according to CNN, because itā€™s a special election. That margin may matter.

I mean itā€™s sad but itā€™s kind of narratively perfect. Just compare and contrast with Scalia.


I thought theyā€™d move after the election

He can literally do anything he wants between now and Election Day (and between then and Certification) to help him win and has total impunity.

Why wouldnā€™t he put troops at every dem heavy polling place in swing states at this point?

Or just have the feds arrest them all for a one day hold on election morning as they show up to vote?