The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I just told my wife this exact same thing last night, but regarding if Trump wins the election.

Just tune out completely, focus on my family, and maybe vote every couple of years if there’s actually still voting.

But I won’t be putting effort into changing the country, that’s for sure.

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I don’t even want to think about Trumps reaction to this news. Undoubtedly he was a callous, giddy, insensitive mother fucker.

The dems aren’t packing the courts because at the end of the day the dem donors don’t actually GAF that the Kavanaugh and Gorsuch type justices are the majority of SCOTUS. Because they like their opinions shitting on worker’s rights, stripping consumer protections, degrading the environment, corporations are people too campaign finance, eliminating banking regs, UHC, etc.


It’s OK guys I’m sure Simplicitus will be here any minute to inform us that, actually, the lawbros will save the day.


Wait, what?

Establishment dems may have a lot of flaws, but they sure as shit have armies of competent attorneys willing to go HAM on this.

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Yup. It’s exactly why the “left” party being infested with corporate sycophants was always a much bigger problem than anything. The Dem donor class has to secretly love this.


hey guys what’s new tonight



Nah I have, he’s already lawyering up I saw an article about it the other day.

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And the Sklansky account?

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Legal → Literal please and thank you. Be prepared.

@anon38180840 was correct. Any attempt to put someone on the court prior to the new President and new Senate being sworn in needs to be met by the biggest protest DC has ever seen, including barricading the entrance to the capitol building.


I get that Biden has hired lawyers. I’ve seen nothing to indicate they are realistic about the level of depravity their opposition is sure to display.

See, InsoO0LOL’s condescending is definitely worthy of mod action imo. What a fucking asshole. Here dunking.


I fucking hate the idea of bans tbh. Feels different now tho.

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A worse day in American history than September 11, 2001.

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Including and not limited to. If they go for this, any and all methods of stopping it are justified. Any. And. All.

Fuck you Moscow