The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Yeah this is a major problem too.

Yep, this. It’s win or caravans north.

Which is why Biden needs to file suits in friendly district courts too. I have seen zero indication his team is ready for what’s coming.

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Yeah, this. And you know the Democrats will keep playing by the fake rules, even if Biden wins and they get the senate. I will be utterly shocked if Biden packs the court, even though it will be painfully obvious that all norms are dead.


Hahahaha at thinking dems will ever pack the courts

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Look here you fucking olds, I don’t give a fuck if you want to claim its recency bias, 2020 has got to be literally the worst year in modern American history. FUUUUUUUUUUUCK


I stomached 15 minutes of Rush today. Yhe entite part I listened to was about how Trump was pumped because he knew something not publicly available. I am not kidding.

Yeah, it’s worst of all worlds. Honestly, I think our chances of winning the Senate back just went from possible to single digit %s.

The country club R fed up w/ Trump is in a completely different state of mind now. Whereas before their fury at Trump was their primary motivator, I think now even very anti-Trump Rs would love to engineer a Biden Presidency w/ R Senate. Fill the seat during the lame duck and Ds can’t do shit about it. Hardest part would be getting a lame duck Trump to go along w/ it but sure they can cut a deal.

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Still very far from over too.

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It’s really making a run for it for sure. I can honestly say it’s the worst year, hands down, of my 46 years.

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Fuck off Inso0.



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Fuck off you fucking ghoul


Ugh, I didn’t think about implications for tight senate races. Certainly sounds plausible to me. Fuck.

I do not understand why you would allow a person like this to live in your house.

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Fuck off


I have to check out for a while for my mental health.


Im old enough to remember the contingent on the forum who consistently does so chastising the WAAF crew…checks notes… TODAY???

My wife and I are legitimately destroyed. It’s over.


This is a person who should be permanently banned from this website.