The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Yes, but not just party elites. Too many voters feel that way.

Those were surprise victories where the GOP establishment didn’t try because they didn’t expect the races to even be close.

The Democratic establishment is much more in tune with its voters than the Republican establishment. We saw how weak the GOP party elites are when they tried to stop Trump in 2016 and fell in line after being whipped. The weakness of leftists in the Democratic Party has much more to do with the numbers not being there than elites having their thumbs on the scale.

O’Donnell is an anti-example for you:

When a report from The News Journal in March 2010 detailed her personal fiscal difficulties, O’Donnell attributed the problems to misunderstandings and errors.[17] She also said, “I think the fact that I have struggled financially is what makes me so sympathetic.”[17][51] Her financial problems became a focal point of establishment Republican attacks.[52] The chair of the state Republican Party, Tom Ross, said, “She’s a candidate who runs for office that unfortunately lives off the proceeds.”[53] Several commentators said the attacks showed elements of sexism.[54][55] The Delaware Republican Party sponsored last minute robocalls from former O’Donnell staff members charging that O’Donnell was “no conservative” and was financially irresponsible.[56] O’Donnell responded by saying the attacks on her finances were an insult to Delaware voters.[57]

The wiki writings on Cantor’s loss are a little more spartan, but he still outspent his challenger by 50:1

I can also point to Liz Cheney, who got absolutely railroaded out of the party.

The GOP establishment absolutely throws their weight around in primary elections, even if they sometimes lose.

If only the letter was a bit more strongly worded he surely would have agreed.

They didn’t think they would win

I guarantee no one signing on to that letter expected compliance with it.

Yes. There is a very visible real world example.

Not sure why this isn’t previewing. The reason I say stuff like “progressives need to shut the fuck up about president and start running for school boards” is because this is exactly what Republicans did starting in the 80s and it fucking worked.

Trouble is, progressives seem to be allergic to patience.

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This is correctly decided. There is of course another clear example of a politically motivated harassment for first amendment activity. Going to be a long time before the Supreme Court knocks this kind of stuff down though.

An analysis by ProPublica and The Texas Tribune shows that in the past two years, Paxton has used consumer protection law more than a dozen times to investigate a range of entities for activities like offering shelter to immigrants, providing health care to transgender teens or trying to foster a diverse workplace.

Not a single one of the investigations was prompted by a consumer complaint, Paxton’s office confirmed. A complaint is not necessary to launch a probe.

This just isn’t true. Nixon, Ford, Reagan, GHWB, Dole, GWB, McCain… who exactly is the young outsider?

I think you guys have all missed the truth here, and I think my answer is scarier. It’s just dumb luck. The republican policy gains have come from control of the senate and presidency for a very brief window that gave them 3 SCOTUS judges. That didn’t come from some big plan. It didn’t come from some groundswell of legislative support. Republican policy gains have been nearly exclusively limited to the state level and the court.

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Not to mention, I’m old enough to remember when the RNC was deliberately and obviously doing all they could to sabotage Trump’s candidacy (remember the pledge to support the eventual nominee at the first debate?) until they surrendered to his inevitability and popularity.

ah yes famously the only positions in the US government are “candidate for president”


Oh interesting. I’m sure you have some sort of analysis of other positions in the Republican part and that this isn’t petty trolling

ITT I learned that Rs didn’t have a multi-decade plan to take over the judiciary (and lol law in general) with reactionary nutjobs that they executed to perfection.

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Jesus man just compare the age of the last two R speakers to the last D speaker

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This isn’t some unknowable philosophical topic. A simple google search will generate massive amounts of reporting on the long term and planned strategy of the right to take over the courts and the RNC.

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Alito flat out lies to Congress knowing there will never be a single consequence.

big we got him energy


This is so stupid. No one cares if he lied about who said what. I hate everyone involved in producing this story.

But it will surely generate a strongly worded letter from the dems. Consequences!