The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I would add losing the majority or all of his money/assets as acceptable to me. Pretty much anything that materially and permanently changes the lives of the Trumps.

Things that aren’t meaningful include missing Barron’s graduation, sleeping in court, getting made fun of on Jimmy Fallon and racking up fines and legal fees that he is never made to pay.

It really isn’t that complicated. Consequences are things that actually hurt for Trump. On a permanent level. Considering the guy tried to overthrow the government and several hundred other crimes is that really so crazy to want/expect?


We had that consequences. And then for reasons unknown the judgement went from 450 to 150 to 0

So we know the asset seizing is never happening.


Well ya. I posted that from the beginning when people were posting about Trump Tower and the plane being seized “easily”. I’m firmly in the no meaningful consequences will be had based on the definition I listed above. I hope I’m wrong.


Also to attack this from a different angle is there another historical example of a political leader staging a coup, failing, and then facing no serious consequence? And not only that but growing more and more wealthy on the back of it and then running again while basically openly admitting to the coup on the campaign trail?

If that is so normal and the people that think it isn’t are crazed lunatics lets hear some historical examples. I think im most countries what Trump did would result in him being jailed and/or executed.

I will openly admit I’m not a huge history buff though and it’s possible this type of thing is more normal than I’m aware of. I just can’t think of one.

Problem with looking for historical analogues of January 6 is that no other country really has had the same type of stupid LARPing hillbilly coup. Nowhere near everybody even thinks it was a coup, I’d guess that only a tiny portion of the US population would call it that. So comparing it to times when folks got executed for taking the actual military and assuming power through force and getting executed isn’t really the same.

But lol of course there won’t be consequences and this nonsense will continue until he’s dead and then we’ll gin up someone even dumber and shittier to ruin our lives afterwards.

Ya i kinda thought about that too. Just because Trump is bad at coups(just like everything else) doesn’t absolve him though. I don’t think you are saying that really. But if he was competent at coups he likely succeeds and then obviously no consequences. Kind of by definition the coup failures are the ones punished.

Trump’s coup was a half assed attempt with a tiny amount of deniability. Enough for the rubes and his hand picked judges which unfortunately seems to be enough.

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He did go to jail but yeah he’s the obvious

Just tell us what the you think actual consequences are will you, please? Is it jail time? Is it losing all his properties? What?

I think being so toxic that family won’t be seen with you is pretty significant. Being viewed as a low-rent huckster by most of the country, especially educated people (“Mr. Trump we have 35% of the college educated”). Having to hire on and associate with losers and grifters who then talk shit behind your back. Being rejected by all respectable firms in law, accounting, and other services. Having teams of people working their ass off you put you in jail. Having musicians and popular artists refuse to allow you to play their songs or associate with you. I think if Trump ever had a moment of clarity he would die of shame.


I understand not thinking these are serious, compared to what you are asking for they aren’t that serious. We haven’t seen the appeals play out on the fines he’s accrued so he could still get out of those. What was getting tiresome was things turning into “no true consequences” when the only acceptable was outcome always based on forgetting the rich white guy bias in the justice system.

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It has been well articulated by witchita just above, but it’s anything that meaningfully results in actual fiscal, political or liberty lose to Trump.

I know people will be in here boasting about consequences when three months from now he is charged $5,000 for openly violating the gag orders dozens of times. For the record, this does not count as consequences for reasons we explained a few days ago.

Here are things I don’t not believe will ever happen, but would be consequences,

  1. one minute in jail
  2. inability to run for any office
  3. fiscal penalties in the hundreds of millions of dollars that are actually paid by Trump or his family. A bond promise of future payment does not count.
  4. something else I am not thinking of that results in real lose to him or his immediate family.

Should any of these happen I will be first one here posting about how dumb I am and how laughably wrong I was.

I have to say your list of what you considered consequences was one of the most disheartening things I’d read in some time. We just see this whole thing on such different scales that it’s very hard to understand.


LOL at these consequences. For someone rich, stupid, and shameless, they are approximately nothing.

BTW, what’s your projected timeline on him paying or asset seizure. I’m genuinely asking. I assume it will go something like lose appeal(s) and then theoretically he pays or they start taking stuff. Is that right? How long do you expect that to take?

If the verdict is upheld, the bond company pays the judgment. It is then up to the bond company to get the money or collateral Trump put up for the bond from Trump to pay the full bond amount. Bond companies probably are usually very successful at doing this or they wouldn’t stay in business very long. Look at the ends they went to to try to get the Duke in Midnight Run.

We just don’t have anything to discuss when your argument at this point is that “the system will obviously work making Trump pay the bond” especially given he is at least 50/50 to be president when this would supposedly happen.

I hope you are right.

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I actually do think Trump will lose and then we might get some consequences. But i don’t love the fact the other outcomes are so likely.


this is like the opposite of a no true scotsman. EVERYTHING is a true consequence! Someone frowning at trump, he hates that! Count it!


I agree with the first part.

BTW, also in the “not a consequence” list (and I see this mentioned a fair amount): Losing in 2020 and (if he does) losing in 2024.

That’s not a consequence of illegal behavior. That’s losing an election.

I didn’t do the stuff that Trump did. I don’t get to be president either.


The monkeys paw result of all this is Trump going to jail and having the time of his life.