The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Or he might have the arc of a certain character in the most recent season of Fargo.

Youā€™re saying his legal problems have no significant effect on his election chances and the election outcome would have no effect on the legal consequences?

I disagree. And if the opposite is true, you canā€™t lol consequences. Well ok, you can, but then youā€™re doing Trumpā€™s work.

Iā€™m looking forward to the earnest discussions after he wins the election about whether he woulda faced consequences had he not won


Count me out.

Itā€™s sure hurting his polling right now. :person_shrugging:

I think this election, like most, will be about turnout not flipping voters. Peopleā€™s minds are made up. Itā€™s hard for me to see a Stormy Daniels trial moving the needle on that one way or another.

In your opinion that will continue to be true, will translate into votes, he will win, there will be no consequences, with 100% confidence? Iā€™d just crawl into a hole and count the minutes until I was dead if I believed that.

I hate to answer a question with a question but but evidence are you using it has, or will, hurt his electoral chances? I am hoping I have missed something. Is there any polling showing him dropping since indictments or even the trial?

Truth be told, winning the election will be the real consequence for him. Not much worse then to have to go back to the workforce in your late 70s in order to take care of your legal situation.


Iā€™m just being pragmatic. Iā€™m not going to hang my mental wellbeing on the justice system being mean to a rich white guy. Iā€™d love to see him broke, in jail, never on tv again until he dies at which point we get all the greatest hits about what a buffoon he is. But until then, Iā€™ll make due with his life being shittier than ever; no one protests his trial, he can only play golf on the weekends, his numbers arenā€™t as great as they used to, he canā€™t blow other peoples money on KFC and Diet Coke because he has to spend it on lawyers who keep losing. It ainā€™t what you want, but it still makes me smile.

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His legal issues may have a negative effect on his election chances. Iā€™m saying that doesnā€™t count as ā€œconsequencesā€.

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Sure this makes sense from a self preservation perspective. However, itā€™s so dangerous from a democracy perspective. The majority of the reason society punishes crime is to deter future actors. Trumpā€™s ā€œconsequencesā€ scream to all future presidents and politicians you are insane not to push all legal boundaries and break many. Frankly, any future politician not doing this is just doing bad politics if we assume the goal of politics is to win.

How is your democracy suppose to survive is both norms and laws are no longer relevant?

Yea him losing the next election should be already baked in I mean thatā€™s a fuckin low bar, thatā€™s not a consequence

With all these cases heā€™s in one court or another nearly every day. And the style pages would have a FIELD DAY if he wore the same suit all the time. So have any of you ā€œno consequencesā€ losers thought about the dry cleaning bills? I didnā€™t think so.


I am now pretty firmly of the opinion that there will be no consequences if he wins this election. If he loses, I do think there will be consequences for the election fraud and the documents cases (not at all sure about the J6 case)

Despite the no consequence crowd crowing about being right, there was no way to tell that the SC would be this blatantly corrupt or that theyā€™d even have an interest in subverting the law to protect Trump. Had they ruled correctly it would have gone to trial before the election making it much more likely he doesnā€™t get re-elected and faces consequences

pretty sure cannon is just stalling, hoping he wins, but if he loses, sheā€™s absolutely gonna tank the documents case for him

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If there was good polling or other evidence there wouldnā€™t be an argument. The theory is that negative news is bad. You seem to disagree but historically itā€™s well supported and Iā€™ll point out one absolutely true believer: Donald Trump. Itā€™s why heā€™s the king of projection. Doomcasting just helps him.

I donā€™t think your wrong about Cannonā€™s motives, but Iā€™ll never understand the infinite fealty to a man who would throw them under the bus in a minute. Especially if loses again

That said, I donā€™t think sheā€™ll be allowed to tank it, but Iā€™ve lost all faith in our court system so maybe she does get away with it

I donā€™t think you understand that ā€˜doing the the thing the bad guys doā€™ isnā€™t a thing until they actually fully win and establish that there truly are no rules. Weā€™ve been on the precipice of that for the past 6 years, but keep winning when the next election would tip it to ā€˜no rulesā€™ (2022 midterms being a great example of trying to establish that by the GOP and failing massively, pushing that gambit down at least another 4 years if Trump wins in 2024).

You play by the rules inside the ā€˜good sideā€™ until there are no rules, otherwise you are just like them. If Trump wins, and the GOP wins the Senate and House, you best believe there will be no rules left in this country and anyone trying to play by the rules in politics after that will be a fool. But we are not there yet. If Trump decides he wants a third term, you best believe Clinton and Obama will come out of retirement to say, not so fast, buddy, we want three terms too. Trump thinks heā€™s anointed, but all heā€™s really anointed to be is a clown when things would get down to how heā€™d make a third term happen.

But youā€™re also saying losing the election wouldnā€™t count as a consequence. Unless weā€™re just playing games with words, losing makes consequences likely. Legal trouble ā†’ more likely to lose ā†’ consequences. He for sure believes this. Thatā€™s why heā€™s running. Heā€™s panicked about what will happen if he loses. He doesnā€™t at all agree with lol consequences. I think heā€™s right.

I want to add that for me, losing the election does count as a consequence and the only one that really matters. Whether he rots in jail or ends up a mere millionaire is secondary.

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