The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Really it’s not even the document itself that is so bad it’s the absolute religious obsession Americans have with it.

Canada has a constitution and I can count the times in my life it’s been mentioned around me on one hand.

To be fair, the circumstances of the USA’s formation were immensely difficult and required goofy patches, plus a lot of countries have been able to leapfrog over some of the mistakes America made.

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Canada’s constitution isn’t a single document and contains unwritten parts.

Good lord man, Alito is FUCKING DUMB


Which is infinitely better than the US model that assume a bunch of white slave holders hundreds of years ago could write one document to account for all needs of a county for all time.

Unwritten principle is constitutional logic 101. It’s the inverse of the idiotic “textual” nonsense.

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Who the hell do you think wrote Canada’s founding documents?



Is the problem that there’s one document or that the amendment process hasn’t been used as much as it should be?

I know this one, I learned it in school: Gordie Howe

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JFC. Congratulations, Alito has figured out how a trial works.

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Our constitution was mostly replaced/updated in 1982.

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Can you imagine a US constitution update?

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I can imagine an Article V convention, but a lot of people seems to be afraid of the idea.

A gun in every home, an F350 in every garage, and no car seats for babies


History hypothetical.

North loses the war and the US splits.

My theory is that south and central America essentially extends to encompass the south. Dictatorship, oligopoly by the land owning class, and slave revolutions.

The North becomes like Europe, Canada and Australia.

In your hypothetical would Florida be full of cheap hookers?

Reminder about our constitution: it still says 3/5ths, it’s just struck out.

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Alito verbalizing my years-long nightmare of how the courts would treat Trump’s cases. We’re cooked.

What happened is that we elected a criminal for president and surprise surprise he committed crimes. And now our institutions, justice system and courts hold the office in too high regard to do anything about it. The president and former president are off limits

He’s on criminal trial right now!

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