The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

When (checks notes) Matt Yglesias gets that it’s all bullshit and you don’t, fucking yikes. It’s genuinely hilarious that we are 8 years into this and lawbro libs still think there is any legitimacy to this system.


Like, if the courts aren’t purely political why do politicians spend so much energy on it? It’s like the one thing a ton of elected Republicans actually care about!

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I’ve always believed the supreme court was a fraud. Don’t confuse me for some strawman you made up.

You think trump is actually going to have to pay money at some point for the decisions against him!

The NY supreme court (whatever they call it) is not the US Supreme Court that cocaine Mitch worked 30 years to build. Trump lost his election cases like 0-40. The NY appeals court just did a same day denial of Trump’s most recent motion.

That Thomas, alito, gorsuch, and the rest of the supreme court “conservatives” are results oriented hacks is very well known.

The only people that say otherwise are people who get paid to kiss their ass, like Neil Katyal. And even he had very stringent comments today, a day when he argued a different supreme court case.

With the supreme court this far off the rails I expect appeals courts to use their considerable power to fuck with the supreme court more and more. They only hear like 80 cases a year. They can’t reverse everything.

I agree with this 100%, but I also think that the liberal wing, while not hacks are just about as result oriented.

IMO, what any SC Justice does is decide what outcome they want and then come up with the legal reasoning to justify it. The lefties are better at this and it’s easier to do when you are on the “correct” side.

Left or Right, they’re all fundamentally the same. The righties look like clowns more of the time because they are generally not as smart and have to defend worse positions. But they are all coming at the problem the same way.

It’s all bullshit. On both sides. It’s just a super legislature. Republicans realized this a full generation ahead of the lol Dems.


My representative, who’s generally awesome, thinks this is a positive for re-electing Biden.

sarcastic ooh la la GIF


expand the Senate

This is just straight up delusional.

This would require Democrats to hold on to Ohio, Montana, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan and Wisconsin. That’s just to get to a loss of 1. Gaining ground would need all of that plus winning in both Florida and Texas.

Maybe not. Republicans have managed to shoot themselves in the foot these past few election cycles so…

I like the thought of that but ehhh nah don’t have that same feeling



It’s actually good that I just drove my car off this cliff, because now I am highly motivated to drive safer.


SCOTUS just openly facilitating a takeover by a dictator and literally zero action. Just unreal. Nobody in the streets. Nothing.

Sorry, I have brunch plans.


They’re moving at WARP SPEED, what more do you want?


AWAY from fascism, not warp speed TOWARD fascism. Minor details.


To be a good analogy you need someone speaking frog yelling at the top of their lungs “you are getting boiled alive! Jump out now” and have them ignore it.