The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I don’t know how one organizes a massive protest in the streets, but if anyone does let me know. I’ll be there

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Just catching up on the bump stock discussion. I think this is the dumbest thing I can remember a non-Alito justice saying in oral arguments.


what about abortion bans? would it be fair to “ensnare” doctors who don’t know about it?


That’s different!

This is literally a joke in many movies when the criminal says he can’t be guilty because he didn’t know the law. lol.

It’s only a joke if it’s not a rich white conservative.

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Or 5 frogs scream “Stop boiling us alive!” until someone turns off the stove just in time, and the other 5 frogs snicker at the doom sayers.

Good write up on how this is an obvious attempt to help get Trump off on these charges

It’s hard to imagine why SCOTUS would help someone who’s determined to neuter our nation’s laws and thereby their own power as well

I think it goes back to what many of us thought all along. If he loses the 2024 election, he will be held accountable. If he wins, nothing else matters anyway. It’s in the voter’s hands

I’m done following people and otherwise reading or engaging in Trump news and minutiae. I suppose I’ll hear if/when he pays up his judgements and whatever happens in the hush money case and maybe I’ll have something to say then. In the meantime, I’m going to canvass and do everything I can to ensure Republicans lose every election that’s possible to lose and elect every Democrat who’s brave enough to do what needs to be done


You’re young, right? You’re just on the timeline we all experienced 5-10 years ago. Faith in the legal system fading is the principal hallmark of the transition to reality.


There is still time for him to pay some or all of 500,000,000. That would be a consequence. But we will see.

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There’s absolutely going to be some insane hail mary SCOTUS appeal regarding the New York judgment and the 8th amendment. And is anyone really willing to bet against them at least entertaining the case at this point?

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Wasn’t that the story back in 2020…? Then we got Merrick Garland and other fecklessness. Thanks Biden!

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Exactly. It’s really if he wins 0% chance he faces any consequences. If he loses it’s 10% tops.

I agree if he wins. But if he loses, what exactly do you think will stop a conviction in the criminal cases? What stops him from losing assets in the judgment cases?

Dems fear of a civil war.


Dude you are not paying attention. I’m not sure how we get to ah well nevertheless

But we will.


So after he gets convicted in the Stormy D case in 2 months, Hochul will stare into the abyss and issue a pardon. :roll_eyes:

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Time/Partisan judgery/Time/Ineffectual Dems clinging to good faith procedure/Time/Supreme Court BSery.

That’s a formula that’s working well so far.
Remember- he lost 4 years ago. We’re just rehashing here.

Keep putting up highway markers further down the road, but the traffic doesn’t seem to have changed where it appears to be going.

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You sound like a 14 year old who stills believes in Santa.

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