The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I think the reason why they specifically choose 4 days is because there is a specific ratings metric called live +3 that captures viewership of the first airing plus watching via on demand/dvr within the next 3 days. So, in theory, keeping it off youtube for 4 prevents canibalization from the methods that get captured by the ratings. [Not sure how much canibalization actually happens given increasing cord cutting, but I can kinda see the logic]"Live%20Plus%203"%20metric%20accounts%20for%20the%20number%20of,week%20after%20the%20original%20airdate.

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It’s absolutely going to happen again


How long is it going to take Rs to get a 9-0 court at this rate? Maybe they’ll get there in my lifetime!

Are we sure the medic wasn’t just giving the Justice a motorhome?

Elena Kagen
Sonia Sotomayor
Clarence Thomas
Stephen Breyer
Amy Barret-Cohen
I like beer guy

How’d I do? How’s my spelling? I have no clue who I’m forgetting.

And this is after seeing all the answers yesterday in this thread.

pretty bad!

At least I spelled the first two correctly I think that’s a huge win

Except for the part where you didn’t.

Man, I thought this would be everyone’s free square

Ahhh, yes, the post-cotious grilling about supreme court justices.

A time honored sexual tradition.

If you do the grilling before, there will be no after.

“I think I could probably get 7” is as far as I got.

Just realized that I can not only name all the Supreme Court Justices, but I can also tell you who each of their predecessors was.

/sick brag


Thomas is truly the black white supremacist from Chappelle, just hired a Nazi law clerk

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Don’t think I can do that.

Barrett - RBG
Roberts - Rehnquist
Alito - Scalia
Gorsuch - O’Connor
Kavanaugh - Kennedy
Thomas - Marshall
Kagan - ?
Sotomayor - Stevens
Jackson - Breyer

Edit: Yeah, mixed up a few and forgot that Souter existed.

You mismatched one pair. Not the pair I would have thought most likely.

I really think you get the one you left blank if you think on it for about 15 min.

Yeah that was a dumb miss.

Not sure I get the blank guy (who should have been with Sotomayor) within 15 minutes. Probably would come to me out of the blue the next day or so.

I didn’t notice the Kagan/Sotomayor switch. Confusing that seems reasonable as they were both Obama appointees and happened pretty close together. Also weird that Stevens actually stepped down after Souter. Really seemed like it should have been the other way around.

I think the easiest to flip would be Roberts’ and Alito’s predecessors since they came up at the same time.