The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

per The Town podcast, the show streamer (Max?) thinks it’s an incentive to get people to sign up to the service so they don’t have wait the four days. and they don’t make much off of yt, so they don’t care about making use of it.

this approach has failed in the past, but they’re going with it anyway

This would be legitimately good policy and so will never happen.

What they should really do is make sure that they all have one gimmick that everyone can relate to. We can all remember “Long Dong Silver” and “I Like Beer,” just imagine if Kagan always walked a round with a 2x4 slung over her shoulder or some such. Would really burnish her rep.

This might just be a me thing, but I definitely associate her with carrying a softball bat.

What if you can name all 9 but don’t practice anymore?

Still need help?

wait, what?

there are 260million adults in the US. i would bet under 2.6 million could name 9 justices.

Amead said 5% of 1%, which is about 125-130k. Not a doubt in my mind that more than that could get all 9.

It’s probably a little low, but there is definitely some doubt in my mind. Kagan and Alito are gonna catch some bodies.

ah, my bad i didnt see that.

there are roughly 1.3 million lawyers in the US. if 1/3rd of them can name all 9 you’re at 430ish already. so yeah. if i were to guess i’d guess right around 1-1.5 million could do it.

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I know zero non-lawyers irl that can do it.

I’d bet at least half of my trivia team can do it. None are lawyers and only one (besides me) is a politics junkie.

I wrote out a list, was unsure of the spelling of a couple but nailed all of them, first and last names. Not a lawyer, I do trivia but can’t get past the D rundle in LL, and I follow politics unfortunately.

Which league are you in? You can PM me (or just not answer) if you feel like that exposes you to doxxing.

I believe it, but I don’t hang out with any trivia junkies.

I think Mme Melkerson (non-lawyer, but likes trivia) is about 50-50 to do it. I’ll test her out later. She hates when I test her like this, so I’m gonna have to pick the right time to do it.

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I don’t really get it 7 of these 9 people have been in the news a ton for the past 5 years I mean Kagan and Sotomayer don’t make much news but there’s some. Everyone else everyone should have at least some idea who they are or get close to their names.

Wife forgot thomas :expressionless:

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Lucky. Wish I could.

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After. I recommend after.

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Cardinal D2. I’m not interesting enough to doxx.

Good luck in the rest of the season. I’m in Beach C.

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