The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Way higher as she was basically a celebrity. Nobody on the court now if even close to her level of fame.

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Itā€™s possible I lose on Thomas. If we exclude him I think I easily win.

I would not feel nearly as confident without him.

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Ya thinking more about him I wouldmaybe set the line at 30%. :)

clovis, please name one Canadian Supreme Court Judge off the top of your head.

I can only name two. That the joke that Canadians know more about the US than Canada.

I can name all 9 on US court.

good job, the only one I could think of was the guy who resigned for getting drunk in Arizona. I still couldnā€™t remember his name.

Kerry Fraser?

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Wayne Gretzky, obviously

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Today I learned two things about the Supreme Court of Canada:

  1. They have mandatory retirement at age 75.
  2. They dress like Santa.


They get into fights sometimes too.

I suspect fewer than 2% of Americans could name all 9 justices. Remember, most Americans do not read above a 6th grade level.

People try to come up with super convoluted explanations for Trump, imagining other people are knowledgeable like themselves. People arenā€™t aware of politics. People are fucking stupidā€“the same mentally as they were 20k years ago. Politics is where every home in America gets an all star ballot but only 15% care about baseball. And, in fact, there are news channels devoted pushing baseball misinformation to the morons. That is a world where a man like Trump can prosper.



2% is way high


Thatā€™s the silliest thing Iā€™ve ever seen.

Yeah this forum massively over-rates the knowledge of the average American. I doubt a majority of Americans could name the continents.

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Itā€™s true that the only thing keeping people like Trump or Alex Jones down are The Elites, because Trump and Alex Jones are fucking idiots, and the job of elites to keep fucking idiots from running important stuff. Whatā€™s an elite? Someone who needed to have a resume for their job.

I canā€™t name all 9 off the top of my head, but if you give me 20 names, I can select the 9 correctly. I suck at names.

I remember all of their swearing in ceremonies except Alito. He snuck in somehow.

My 2% number is based an an assumption that maybe 1/3 of lawyers could name 9. If you can name 9 and arenā€™t a lawyer you probably need some help.