The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

It’s like Sharia law, but for Hawaii.

“Americans who do not hide their adherence to traditional religious beliefs about homosexual conduct” are being “labeled as bigots and treated as such” by the state and “society.”


Gee, what could possibly get people who engage in adhering to religious beliefs about homosexuality labeled bigots?

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Like a reply said, there’s absolutely no way Alito would ever vote to allow those who have a religious belief against the death penalty to be allowed to stay on a jury. It’s all just a one way street with him.

It’s been said many times, but bears repeating: Alito is the most nakedly partisan hack to ever be seated on SCOTUS. No coherent judicial philosophy whatsoever.

Death penalty deeply ingrained in religious traditions. And our country! EZ game.

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Alabama chief judge quoted the bible in his frozen embryos are babies concurrence.

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Headline is fine, but, uh, 27% of democrats approve of the Supreme Court? Come on.

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More shocking is the fact that apparently 60% of Democrats approved in Sept 2020.

FFS just campaign on abortion.

(I know that RBG dying probably caused some of that decline, but still)

I lot of survey responses can be influenced by the framing of the question. If you asked people their opinion of the Average Court approval rates would likely be lower imo.

Of the many things I’ve learned from my increased civic engagement, one big one is that a lot of people are SUPER tuned out. A huge percentage of people have no idea wtf is going on. I don’t blame anybody, I don’t really enjoy knowing what I know.


Yep. I would way take the under on 20% of democrats who could name one member of SCOTUS.

Discovery in all its infinite wisdom has decided to withhold LWT postings on youtube for four days. So here is last Sunday’s episode.


Definitely taking the over.

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I wish we could bet on this one. I feel like I would have a massive edge.

Remember the pool is ALL registered democrats.

Sotamayor, Rapey Mcbeerlover, and Gorsuch’s ascents were all covered really well and in the news cycle for weeks, and we’ve been innundated with Thomas’ bullshit for the last few months. Id go with EB’s side here but itd be close.

To clarify I am talking about a cold question not some multiple choice or “is x on the Supreme Court” type poll

Just asking them to name one cold.

You’re basically betting that RBG was the one justice Democrats could name and that high profile nomination battles and court cases haven’t replaced that. It’d be an easy loss for you when she was alive.

Sure, I get the idea. Like I said, 20 is a really great guess for Lodden says because I think it would be within a couple points either direction.

Im not thinking 50% of dems will know something like that, but I also think 10 is way too low.

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Thats what I was thinking. What wpuld you put the nunber at if RBG was still on the court, Clovis?