The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Also, it seems like there would be some transition costs if you forced the whole country to be laid off during the lockdown. We want to have the economy running quickly after the lockdown. It would also be helpful if half of the businesses not fail because they can’t cover their non employee costs.


The reason PPP was bad is because it cut off the invisible hand of the free market and inserted the invisible dick of the coastal elite autocrat class to motherfuck all of us.


Worth noting that this only is applicable for those with federally owned loans. Private student lenders are entitled to your estate and corpse iirc.

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Make sure you die before retirement too. I doubt there’s a big golden-years nest egg waiting for you if your ballooning student loans have been hanging over you your entire adult life

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Denying same-sex couples web development service: this is free speech and must be protected

Publicly criticizing the actions of the government: a disturbing feature


Lot of great 5-4 podcast episodes being forged today.


Let us hope that Biden’s next move cancels law school debt for graduates who haven’t even practiced for the last 15 years.

Hoping for a friend.


Biden’s next move is going to be strong verbal condemnation (i.e. nothing) and a 5% chance of falling down walking away from the podium.


Got a feeling that the court may allow that formulation.

“Folks we need you voting now more than ever” coming up from Joe. Since I don’t drink anymore that’s a gulp of gummies each time


Isn’t that the entire fucking point of dissenting opinions? What am I missing?

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is 3:45 eastern what everyone else has?

I feel like I’m about the get Charlie Browned again, but eh, I need some work on my kicking foot.

Also, this is a marketing/propaganda fight, it doesn’t really matter that PPP was necessary, it’s still a government handout to the ownership class. That’s what should be hammered, these people are stealing our tax money so that they didn’t have to take responsibility for poor business decisions.

An angry black women isn’t allowed to correct a white man.

Short article on ways Biden could go now regarding student debt:

This sounds like the lamest thing he could do, so I’m guessing it’s most likely:

The most cynical thing Biden could do that would be a clear and obvious sign he is trying to stab student debtors in the back would be to open what is called a “notice and comment” period as a part of an extended rule making.

If he announces a notice and comment and rule making and keeps the application, then we can say with certainty that this was all a scam, that Biden is bending over backwards to make sure student debt cancellation fails, and will try to gaslight voters into blaming the Republicans when it fails. We’re already seeing signs that White House staff and conservative Democrats are circling the wagons to protect Biden and try to pin the blame on Republicans and the Supreme Court.

But then this is how deep they dive into the full cancellation option, which doesn’t seem all that informative

Once again, there are other perfectly legal ways to cancel student debt. But how these legal tools are used matters.

Cancellation is easy and must be automatic.

Cancellation should have been a layup. It still can be. Biden needs to fight to win the rebound. All it takes is a signature.

The by far best move for Biden would be to change the mechanism, increase the amount of relief, and implement it immediately.

Tired of Dems giving the SCt anything more than minimum deference. They fucked around, they can find out.



except the US never even had a true lockdown, certainly a bunch of storefront businesses like restaurants struggled and legitimately needed the PPP in order to not go under but a bunch of other sectors thrived during covid but took the PPP anyways. so what happens when a company is making the same or even more revenue in a bunch of cases but took a bunch of PPP money in the name of “saving jobs” - do you think they are passing that windfall onto their employees? hell no its going right into the owners pockets, which is why the studies showed that the vast majority of PPP money went to the richest 20%.


John Marshall Roberts has made his decision; now let him enforce it!

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