The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Remember kids, bailouts are for banks and tech companies


“Biden will announce new actions on student loans later today”. Unless the announcement is “lol, fuck these guys we’re doing it anyway” he can gtfo.


I was just daydreaming about Biden going full scorched earth on Alito and Thomas at the next SOTU. Fantasy, I know, but just call them out right then and there, to their faces. “We now have the most openly corrupt Supreme Court in our lifetimes, perhaps in the history of this Nation, particularly justices Alito and Thomas. We must act now to hold these corrupt unelected justices accountable. Otherwise, I will have no choice but to send more, non-corrupt justices to the Court to counteract their corrupt influence.” Crazy the kinds of things you think about when you’re bored at work.


Just keep them paused indefinitely. Oh wait they can’t, they caved on that in the debt ceiling negotiation.

They should keep them paused anyways and use the Fuck You defense but I don’t see them doing that.


I will be immediately filing for forbearance the minute repayment starts again. I will not, ever, pay them off.


I’m not going to bother reading the opinion but the fact this was 6-3 is a pretty clear signal the SC is just going to strike down anything resembling progress on any key issues. Add in the fact we have seen Roe and AA struck down under Biden with little to no action or pushback and why wouldn’t they just go wild? You also have this dropping today:

vote harder boys


Great news. Half measures, no more.

Declare another emergency and make them sue you again. Just keep doing it as long as you’re President. It’s really pretty simple if you’re not the head coach of the Washington Generals.

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This is a highly visible policy that will have a tangible effect on a lot of people. Based on what he plans on announcing now, Biden has the opportunity to look like a strong leader or fall completely on his face. Presumably they’ve been planning on this outcome and have something in mind.***

***Despite all evidence from Dobbs that the administration is taken completely by surprise by opinions that were literally leaked months in advance.

Back to reality

Biden on MSNBC: “I think if we start the process of trying to expand the court, we’re gonna politicize it maybe forever in a way that’s not healthy.”


Biden should announce a new round of PPP loans that can be used to pay down student loan debt imo.


Ugh. I got an EIDL instead of PPP since our business is pass-thru vs paycheck based. Feel like a chump making the payment every month.


In his conclusion, Roberts also says that it “has become a disturbing feature of some recent opinions to criticize the decisions with which they disagree as going beyond the proper role of the judiciary.” He stresses that today’s decision used “the traditional tools of judicial decisionmaking” and although reasonable minds may disagree “[w]e do not mistake this plainly heartfelt disagreement for disparagement. It is important that the public not be misled either. Any such misperception would be harmful to this institution and our country.”

Lol, fuck this guy so hard. Going to the fainting couch over some fucking milquetoast bullshit dissents. Has this guy ever read any dissents from Thomas/Alito/Scalia?


Biden has so many options here. A lot of them would boost his re-election chances significantly. I know sweet summer child and all but I gotta think he’s enough of a shrewd political operator to see the opportunity and take advantage of it.


I’ll take fall completely on his face at like 1:1.



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it is such a self inflicted wound for a Dem to EVER restart payments in full…

there is no voter that is like, “man i really would have voted dem, but this student loan pause is forcing me to rethink and vote for DONALD TRUMP A THIRD TIME…”

biden should immediately announce another pause until December 2024 to figure out the issue… say something like “this is an issue that is key to my platform, we are continuing to work on a solution and i will strive to get this done in my tenure.” or something like that. we need to be forcing republicans to campaign on restarting them…


also the web designer case is such a perfect example of modern republicanism. completely fabricate a boogeyman that doesnt exist and cry about it the whole way to the US supreme court, about how you could be canceled and victimized through the mere idea of this boogeyman hypothetically existing…

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But part of their HISTORIC BIPARTISAN bill here recently banned this. And Biden is a norm loving weakling who wouldn’t possibly go against that.

Including that in there is such a stupifying own goal. That paired with this SC ruling is just the Dems getting owned by the GOP like usual.