The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I wonder who SCOTUS will favor?!?!

I think they charged Christie/NJ $8M for the Bridgegate report. I bet that letter was at least $20k given all the review of background info, research memos, etc.

And yet they mark a letter to the Chair of a Congressional committee “Confidential,” as if.

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Yeah, you’re definitely right.

The “confidential” marking is the wink to the rest of the attorneys that they have a live one.

Nothing can be done :man_shrugging:

Meanwhile a former Manhattan prosecutor showed up at least to Gym’s kangaroo hearing. Dems deserve the extinction we will soon suffer.

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To give you an idea of how small the Unstuck bubble is, that Tweet has been circulating for an hour, has 127 RTs and I came here to post it.


well I am not on the twitter so i would not have seen it either way

I am probably one of at best a handful of people who liked that tweet and own a signed copy of a the national album on vinyl

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Which album?

My amusement at The National dedicating “This Isn’t Helping” to Katyal is tempered somewhat by a vague disgust at finding out that Katyal is a big The National fan.

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They were signing albums at Lollapalooza in 2010, which was like the last year before the festival scene got way too big for middle tier artists to do that anymore, so High Violet.

Got stuff signed by MGMT, The National and 1-2 others? Was sad I missed/didn’t get into The Walkmen until like 3 months later. I also learned today apparently the lead singer of Grizzly Bear is now a therapist.

eye twitch


Hey just checking in, haven’t seen much in the way of any kind of oversight/testimony/subpoenas(LOL) with regards to Supreme Court corruption. It’s just blatant corruption, right there. Embarrassingly lavish vacations, free housing for family members, you name it. Oh well right! Fucking disgraceful.



You see if they were to actually do something it would threaten the perceived legitimacy of the court

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In today’s “It could have been worse” news, SCOTUS retains some aspect of the Voting Rights act in a 5-4 decision (Kavanaugh and Roberts defecting). Twitter is celebrating:

This, from Strict Scruting host Melissa Murray, seems like a good overall summary:

Calling out their bullshit helps. Libs have to keep doing it.