The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

This is almost word-for-word what Georgie Santos uttered in response to every question at yesterday’s presser after he posted bail!

Always hyped for more Ginni Thomas content.

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Very cool and very legal

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The court in a 9-0 vote threw out Joseph Percoco’s conviction for accepting the $35,000 payment

What a fucking joke.

I’m not sure if anyone else bothers to read these cases. SCOTUS is overturning a conviction because of erroneous jury instructions, which the prosecution admits was an error but claims is harmless. The Court is saying that this was not a harmless error.

Still, the majority seem to think that non-vague jury instructions were possible. Gorsuch, joined by Thomas, wrote a concurrence suggesting that it might be impossible, given the law as written.

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In before we find out that Crow donated the pube Thomas put on Anita Hill’s drink


Yes given further evidence who are we to believe from
His confirmation hearings?

Not that it was difficult back then. Thanks, Joe.

seems like the type to die in office?



he meant on white people


Doesn’t this guy have a soft spot for Native American affairs?

Just not what it was quacked up to be.


Immediate thought I had; then I scrolled one more post.

We have Clarence Thomas sucking the teat for decades and now Gotsuch waving the selfish white elite flag (yeah, his name was a legit typo but it seemed to fit so I left it).

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He probably paid $5k for that letter.

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