The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

After some careful balancing, I’m still thinking she should have retired.

I’m good with men going on the record being pro-choice. I’m gonna need some help understanding why that’s bad.

I suppose men who have been pregnant can weigh in on the issue. But men who haven’t carried that burden telling women that they have “choice” is so patronizing it beggars belief.

I think she should have had the right to choose.

She did have the right to choose. She chose poorly, and is now being rightfully blamed for that action.


She didn’t listen to men who tried to dictate what’s “right” for her to do her entire life. Abandoning that principle when it mattered most would have sacrificed the gift.

I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make here.

That it was good that she stayed on as long as she did?

She didn’t take the easy way out.

He’s mocking feminists or other people who take issue with men telling women what to do with their bodies/lives.

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Nomatterwho is some right wing derp who thinks he is clever.



Welp, Harland said no. Nothing we can do.

ok, that makes me feel better. I thought he might be going through the first stages of Alzheimers or dementia. We’re not a young bunch and unfortunately some of us will get one of those.

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I guess we just move along

mcdonnell defense is undefeated. those are his personal friends outside of politics.

New thread title :star::star::star::star:

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I bow humbly.


Chapo made a good point on their most recent podcast that a big effect of funneling money to Thomas is incentivizing him not to retire until the next R administration

You’re really reaching here. Good effort, I suppose. If I ever meet a pregnant woman who feels “patronized” by a man who says that they are pro-choice, she will be the first.

What about post-menopausal women who never were pregnant? Would they be patronizing too?

Oh goody opinions coming tomorrow