The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

That might be true, but it’s no excuse. In fact, if she is smart, it is all the more reason to recuse.

I’m not disagreeing that she should have recused herself, I’m just pointing out that the argument that she acted “favorably” to Random House is complete bs and just a straight R hit piece.

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Oh, yeah, I’m not disagreeing with you on that.


I took my car to discount tire on Wednesday for a flat repair. They did it for free in less than an hour and I didn’t even buy the tires there.

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They bought a customer for the cost of a tire repair. Thats good business!

Oh, is this what that stupid net promoter score is always trying to measure?

Even Jake Tapper gets it:


I’m not sure what that is. I wasn’t being sarcastic. When I lived in TX I always used discount tire. It really was a great value with great customer service.

I wasn’t trashing your post. At my job they are trying to use this net promoter score for everything and it seems every time I buy something the salespeople have to beg me to give them all 10’s on the survey because otherwise they failed. The all 10’s are supposed to signify I am a net promoter, someone who will talk positively about the company to my friends and acquaintances like you did with this tire place. In reality most people give 10s because they don’t want to get their point of contact in trouble, but the act of being asked to give a perfect score on a survey sours me a little bit and the whole thing is usually completely fake assessment of customer sentiment, which is why I claim it is stupid. Really just a commentary on modern business world and stupid management by objectives.

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Last Summer I drove across the country from Las Vegas to Denver. I stopped at a random dispensary in Denver and we immediately developed a small leak after. I had an air pump with me so we would drive a hundred miles or so and then air up, and eventually found an open one in Nebraska somewhere. We were covered under their tire warranty so they would replace the tire at no charge (nail in sidewall). B/c it would be a wait for my tire we swapped out my spare, and got it replaced when we made it to Madison. It was a great experience and I’ll probably do all my tires there.

It’s been awhile but I think I had an SUV once and had some tires replaced and wanted to have the spare rotated onto the car and have one of the existing tires used as the spare.

When I went to pick it up they told me they couldn’t in good conscience send me out with that tire as a spare so replaced it as well at no cost.

They’ll always have my business.

I think it’s also a good company to work for, based on my limited searching.

Also, as I’ve gotten older I’ve taken the time to contact managers/corporate about employees that stand out. I know it was always nice when I worked in a public facing job to get compliments from customers relayed to the boss.


“I still oppose abortion and would try my best to convince any woman in my family to carry the baby to term.”

is a quote by Dick Durbin

Undoubtably, he’d carry it for them if only he could.

I had a pretty bad experience with Discount Tire in Atlanta so ymmv but I guess most people’s mileage is good

Gotta say I never thought there’d be a tire derail in a SCOTUS thread.


Really outs RGB into perspective. 1 to 2 generations doomed because of her arrogance.


Alright, let’s stop messing around in the kiddie pool and use our Big Adult Senate Powers to get some answers here!

In letters dated Monday to Mr. Crow and the entities that formally own his private resort, jet and yacht, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s 11 Democrats requested details on all payments or gifts worth more than $415 to any Supreme Court justice or justice’s relative, along with similar information about real-estate transactions, lodging, transportation and private club benefits.
The letters requested responses by May 22 to help the committee “craft legislation strengthening the ethical rules and standards that apply to the Justices of the Supreme Court.”

You have to balance several decades of court control over the damage that would have been wrought from mansplaining her into retirement. This is also why men shouldn’t have public opinions on abortion.