The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

This is where liberals fail so much. No conservative has ever said “not as bad as it could be”. Their response is always “ok how do we move the needle more”.


The bigmad crowd remains mad with a 99.9%tile decision with the court’s political makeup. This would be like the Warren court upholding Plessy.

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And now from a lawyer that actually knows something about Alabama:

Feels like they’re doing this just so the court isn’t abolished as with all the bribery they feel they can’t go ahead with all their agenda right away.

Trump and RDS are more likely to abolish it now than before. As everyone knows, Dems are feckless and would never upset the Court.

Not all Democrats are liberals.

pretty sure most aren’t considering the types of nominees we keep seeing

Kavanaugh has been a godsend considering what the alternatives were.



5-4pod: Why This is Akshully Bad


I’ve been listening to several podcasts on Thomas and this is entirely consistent with his worldview. He sees any race-based policy as unwanted, unnecessary and likely detrimental meddling from the white oppressive class.

He is a deeply militant black nationalist who thinks there is no policy that and fix americas racism and any attempts simply either entrench it further or are just virtue singling for white people.


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His dissent in the case below is fascinating. The argument is that Batson actually hinders black criminal defendants by limiting their ability to strike adverse jurors without providing a reason. Thomas’ opinion is by far the most “race-conscious” in the case.

The facts of the case are interesting as well and Thomas’ factual review is compelling.

ETA: Kav wrote the majority here too lol

I think I have read or listened to 6 or 7 things on him lately and it’s really made me take a 180 on his views.

He is still a total scum bag but I thought he didn’t care about racism when in fact he clearly cares more than anyone on SCOTUS. He just has a weird view of the fix.

Not super impressed with Thomas listening to Malcolm X as a student and then going on to be a Nazi billionaire’s Funkopop collectible.

It’s an hour podcast. Listen to whole thing. It’s worth it.

Thomas is a deeply weird dude. He was an angry black man from an abusive family, but he sold out hard for the personal betterment of Clearance Thomas. He’s changed religions (originally attended seminary to become a priest), married a psychopath, and even his non political opinions are shit. He’s just a hard working dumb guy who calibrates his views to align with his interests.

Don’t ever think he’s not an idiot.