The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Alito mad

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The Trump Trio deliver again for big abortion.

Alito mostly goes under the radar but that dude is a fucking lunatic. It’s Newsmax level derp, always.

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Listening to a podcast recently that posted out Thomas will soon be the longest serving jurist in US history. What a world.

Woopity-doo :grin:


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Uhhh…it might not be just Thomas:

Goes to prove the old real estate maxim: If you have trouble selling a property you should get appointed to the Supreme Court.


Come on.

For nearly two years beginning in 2015, Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch sought a buyer for a 40-acre tract of property he co-owned in rural Granby, Colo.

Nine days after he was confirmed by the Senate for a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court, the then-circuit court judge got one: The chief executive of Greenberg Traurig, one of the nation’s biggest law firms with a robust practice before the high court.

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Nothing to see here.

In todays world if you are right wing on SCOTUS it would be genuinely stupid to not be wholly corrupt. It’s zero risk, free money. The strongest evidence for how dumb these people are is how little this shit seems to be happening.

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now do kav’s pony racing debts


It was his parents :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Remember the confirmation hearings when we learned Kav mysteriously got 5 figures of personal debt erased with some weird baseball ticket scheme and no one seemed at all curious about that?

Weird how 2/9 (that we know about) Supreme Court justices just so happen to have sold houses at above market prices to extremely rich and powerful people with business before the court! I’m starting to have concerns such occurrences might besmirch the sterling reputation of the court. It’s unbefitting!

Just spineless. Every Dem should be pounding the table calling for Thomas’s immediate impeachment, it’s open-and-shut corruption in broad daylight. This is why they lose to gameshow hosts, utter and total political incompetence. They’re all afraid Lawrence Tribe will scold them for breaking precedent or some shit.

Trump say hi.

They’re also doing the same stuff in large part.


The goal wouldn’t be to actually impeach Thomas - that is obviously not going to happen.

There would be two goals - (1) destroy the legitimacy of the court such that Biden can just start ignoring their orders without any political consequences and (2) try to make it so miserable for Thomas that he considers resigning (obviously more of a longshot).

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