The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Maybe not the Dems that also sold their properties to rich people at inflated prices, engaged in shameless insider trading, etc. etc. etc. I know we’re not supposed to BOTHSIDES because degrees matter, but c’mon man.

Agree that Thomas wouldn’t be impeached, but maybe congress could make him wear a red robe or something.



The SC is literal organized crime. As is most of the government at this point.

I’m not normally this guy but you won’t hear any complaints from me if we purge every corrupt motherfucker from office, regardless of party.



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Would anyone even mind if we swapped any of the liberal justices for a younger model? Go ahead and impeach them all and let Brandon pick new ones as far as I care.

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You wanna swap out KBJ? I think you’d get some pushback on that.

how do you think the property grift works? They just buy it for an inflated price and hope it helps them get what they want?

Keep KBJ for sure. Kagan and especially Sotomayor should seriously consider retiring.

Well, what can you do

edit: letter:

Possibly inflated price funnels money to the Justice, and also just might help them get the property off their hands if they no longer want to deal with it. In the Gorsuch situation, the house had been on the market for a few years, and was owned in partnership with some other folks, so even if it was market price, there might be some “value” in being able to close the books on the investment. On the disclosure forms, Gorsuch reported a gain on the sale between $250k and $500k

In the Thomas situation, his Mom continued to live in the house, so even after the sale there was an ongoing source of leverage.

It might be time to seastead after all

We tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas.

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Fucking hell.


LBJ would have had federal troops frog-march Justice Roberts out, what absolute chickenshit is this.

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What in the world is the legal reasoning behind the argument that the government can keep the profit?

Stay tuned!

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The legal argument is “fuck you, make me”.


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